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  1. M

    Setting up a gaming webserver

    Ahhh, see, if you can host a vent server yourself, that mitigates the cost of renting one. Kudos!
  2. M

    Setting up a gaming webserver

    I think that Skype might be the better bet for a more organic feel. It's got an always on voice pickup by default, which makes it more like you're in a room together. AIM chat rooms DO still have a dice roller in them; we're currently using it for a Shadowrun game.
  3. M

    Real Life Rogues Gallery - Revived

  4. M

    Coming soon: TMP Setting changes and new reference document

    After some thought (and a lot of suggestions), I've come to the conclusion that it's time to update TMP's setting reference documentarion, rules, and the like as well as giving the physical space of The Meeting Place a new look to reflect the actual usage of the club. TMP will continue to be a...
  5. M

    Something Nice for the TMP

    Uhm. I'm going to go with "depends on what it is." As control freaky as I can get, sometimes it's better to toss it out there for us to sort through in the mix rather than have me go all flippy prior to something getting put up (not that it happens all that often anymore....blame WoW, I've...
  6. M

    Something Nice for the TMP

    There IS a minimum age limit unless someone under the age of 16 is accompanied by a guardian (more than once has Brigid looked at someone and said "Where's your parent?" with the indication that they're too young to be around). Given some of the insanity that we're all familiar with that goes...
  7. M

    Something Nice for the TMP

    There's another thing about TMP that you have to realize, too: we don't necessarily WANT anyone under the age of maybe seventeen hanging around, simply because of the place's history and what tends to happen there. So the age restriction on characters will likely remain, but the setting will be...
  8. M

    Something Nice for the TMP

    Yup, as soon as I can figure out how to DO that, I'll do that. Really! Folks have brought up to me a change to a coffeehouse of sorts in the past. I don't know that's the extreme change we need, but something more along the lines of a cafe/club/hangout is probably needed (and I've been...
  9. M

    Point of clarification - working/volunteering at TMP

    Because we apparently have an issue with this, I'm going to clarify the subject. Currently, the only people cleared as working or volunteering at TMP are Brigid and Gabriel (and Pou when and if she ever decides to pop up and Nash when she decides to show up at TMP). If you want to VOLUNTEER...
  10. M

    TMP- News Stories

    United Nations reveals long-kept secret Page A1 beneath the fold United Nations reveals long-kept secret Callista Dare, Associated Press New York—The United Nations unveiled one of its best kept secrets at a much-awaited press conference this morning. The United Nations Supernatural and...
  11. M

    The future of FR and the Rotunda

    I know that myself and one of the Harper cohort that isn't much around anymore (you know how that gets) aren't making the switch to the new FR. There just seems to be something....unwholesome about it.
  12. M

    Sweeping world events in TMP must be cleared!

    Very tongue-in-cheek, but yes. It's not as if I'm hard to find most of the time. I'm generally on AIM and MSN.
  13. M

    Zombie Plague

    Thank you for your thoughtful response, Willow!
  14. M

    Murmurs in the Dark ((attn WoD characters--rumors and information))

    - The Prince is Dead, long live the prince. - Some of the Awakened who came investigating the possibility of a dark influence in their midst have decided to stay in NY. - A park-based "organization" has garnered an unusual kind of support and has responded in kind to this support. - The...
  15. M

    Wondering about events and History a word, no. But I know what you're referring to, and the incident with regards to naming the year of death for a particular pop star has been handled privately. No, it would not be okay for you to do that, especially no talking to me first. Okay? Okay. Glad we cleared that up.
  16. M

    Isrp RL Event

    Outside of Detroit, MI ^_^
  17. M

    TMP related question

    I can still be reached by way of my WizO Brigid AIM name; I can also be reached via (unless Gabriel did something I don't know about). You're better off catching me via AIM, though, I'll respond faster.
  18. M

    TMP Description clear-up.

    Giant robots would be somewhat....troublesome. So no mecha, sorry. And I think that we'd have to be approving cyborgs. They could very easily get out of hand very quickly (and I honestly never liked the idea of them--even when I WAS playing Rifts). So probably a "no" there, too. Limited...
  19. M

    TMP Description clear-up.

    Yes, they are, but I'd appreciate anyone playing one sending me a note about it so I can have a list. One of those "please tell me" kind of things. Kind of has to do with the things that go on in the offices upstairs ::grins::
  20. M

    Sweeping world events in TMP must be cleared!

    Contrary to popular belief, I do still exist (I've just been busy :P ) and sweeping world events DO need to be cleared through me before they're put into action (example: ebola virus pandemic; massive terrorist bombins, ect). I can be reacted at or via AIM, much like...