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  1. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  2. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  3. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  4. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  5. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  6. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  7. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
  8. N

    "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) - "Wiesbaden 1.17 (Excel) Character Sheet" D&D (v1.11) Here is the full dynamic Excel version. It has a LOT of options. You should be able to create any kind of character based on the PHB and the MM alternate race options. It also has power, initiative and magic item cards you can fill in. You still...
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    Campaign Design

    Kinda what I thought it was. However, do the different colored lines have a meaning? Also, there is a blue haze behind some of the bubbles does this have a significance? EDIT: D'oh I'm an idiot. Now I see the legend to the bottom left.
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    Campaign Design

    Quickleaf that link to photobucket goes no where.
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    Campaign Design

    I wouldn't play this game with most of my current players. I play strictly online so I would recruit players letting them no up front what the game would be like and then I would interview them to see if they fit my idea of a player that would work in the campaign. 3 of the 5 players I play...
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    Campaign Design

    One of my current campaigns is about to end and I want to run a campaign of my own design. I have the overarching plot or theme, but do not know where to begin to put thoughts to paper. So, my question is how do you go about building a campaign? My theme is Red Hand of Doom meets Al'Qadim...
  13. N

    Kingmaker: Your City and Kingdom

    1. Where your group built your first city and why; Stag Lords Keep for the 1/2 Castle. Only one player enjoys doing the kingdom building game so we have separate sessions. 2. The name of your first city and why; Staghorn as they couldn't agree to a name and rolled the dice on their top 3. 3...
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    Inquisitor - Your Experiences spon·ta·ne·ous/spänˈtānēəs/Adjective 1. Performed or occurring without premeditation or external stimulus Paizo PRD: "An inquisitor casts divine spells drawn from the inquisitor spell list. She can cast any spell she knows at any time without preparing it ahead of time...
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    Inquisitor - Your Experiences

    From the Paizo PRD: "An inquisitor casts divine spells drawn from the inquisitor spell list. She can cast any spell she knows at any time without preparing it ahead of time, assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell's level. "
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    Inquisitor - Your Experiences

    You don't take spells like other classes as an Inquisitor. You can cast spontaneously any spell from your spell list up to your allotment. This and Monster Lore (IMHO) are the best features of the class. Find what it's weaknesses are and shut it down with your buffs/debuffs to let the other...
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    NPC maker
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    Redundant Rogue Talents? And Major Magic.

    Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will(along with their Improved counterpart). Rogues do not have the feats to pull this off unless they are willing to sacrifice other feats. The best they can do is invest in Ioun Stones, Headbands/Belts, Cloak of Resistance or not be targeted in the first place...
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    Redundant Rogue Talents? And Major Magic.

    The Rogues largest weakness is it's horrendous Fort and Will saves and there are very few things to help rectify these. My major suggestion for these is to max your Stealth and not be the target of such attacks. They also suffer from MAD having to spread their points across so many abilities...