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  1. R

    How to find the "joy of prep" in PbtA games?

    I run PBTA games every week now for many years. My prep its "What is the world up to?" By that I mean, I think of what the goals of the main NPCs are, and how they might attempt to achieve those goals, an what assets they have to use. I make notes around such and then... When it comes...
  2. R

    Crow and Coyote forgot about Canada

    Sure, do as you like. The creators have already gone over all of this. And they have additional information on their Discord. Like literally.. they have already talked to this = And there are people who are from...
  3. R

    Crow and Coyote forgot about Canada

    I bet there is a darn near 100% chance they have talked about this already. All of C&C discussion happens on their Discord server = link can be found on this page = According to the creators they are both adding the Cree to their...
  4. R

    Are we the baddies? Oh.. yeah. Yeah, we're the baddies...

    I will check those out for sure, thanks! Come on folks! Be Evil! ;) Any other ideas? Does the island location give extra thoughts?
  5. R

    Are we the baddies? Oh.. yeah. Yeah, we're the baddies...

    This is fantastic! I have even use the poison the food idea as a "driver" to push people in the tournament out of desperation.... Keep these great ideas coming! Woot!
  6. R

    Are we the baddies? Oh.. yeah. Yeah, we're the baddies...

    So we are playing a xianxia style rpg and trying to get out of our comfort zone. So we decided to play the villains of the story. Now this does not mean the characters do horrible things for horrible sake. Villains, not psychopath nutters. ;) This basically means that the setting is...
  7. R

    Real Life Places That Inspire You As A DM

    Any where with big caves! Mammoth caves anyone? heck yeah!
  8. R

    Games that do 'ALIEN' well

    hahahahaha I have never seen the censorship on this site before. That cracks me up! hehehe....
  9. R

    Games that do 'ALIEN' well

    Not sure if its "best" but its been "great" We use Tremulus: Derelict Adrift (link) What we feel it does better than any other Alien style game by far = pacing. Be it combat or investigation, Derelict Adrift feels like it is the same pace as watching the films. So the panic and oh naughty word...
  10. R

    Spells: do you prefer Rotes or Dynamic?

    Oh hey sir, what's your spell? sir = I iz stronk ah, good spell. good spell... I dunno where you were going with all that, but for some reason I totally get ya. Diversity of tactical combat/drama can drive needs for different spells for sure. How far "Mind control" and "super strong"...
  11. R

    What is your favorite spell for Urban magic?

    That feels almost like Martix kinda style "I need to know king fu" ...
  12. R

    What is your favorite spell for Urban magic?

    Deadlands (classic) has this too. Touch o' Death. "This hex allows a hexslinger to magically squeeze some poor sod’s heart and give him an old-fashioned heart attack..." I love "old-fashioned" like.... what the new way? hehehe
  13. R

    What is your favorite spell for Urban magic?

    I like that! Kinda goes along with a "EMP" kinda spell. Render computers and other electronic devices inert
  14. R

    What is your favorite spell for Urban magic?

    Urban magic in this context means "a setting of modern era" which can be in about the past 100 years to to today - and set in the real world. I know there are others, but I keeping this narrow for now... What is your favorite spell? What system did it come from? Why was it so much fun to...
  15. R

    Spells: do you prefer Rotes or Dynamic?

    This brings up an interesting sub question to my original one = Adventurers vs Telenovelaists (That is to say, go on a quest folks - versus - stay in one spot and suffer drama folks) (D&D playloops versus Mage the Awakening perhaps) Does either type need/benefit form Dynamic spells more or...
  16. R

    Spells: do you prefer Rotes or Dynamic?

    What if each "faction" or "School" or whatevs... only had their one or two "special" spells? Would it be a fun game of steal the spell? Hide your own special spells? other?
  17. R

    Spells: do you prefer Rotes or Dynamic?

    So what about having a 'catalog' of spells. But under each spell is a list of modifications the character can perform with that spell? It makes each spell longer and more fussy. But it prevents the overly vaguesauce of "pick a concept + powertier and roll with modifiers and just guess at...
  18. R

    Reinventing the Wheel

    Yeah, I guess I got off on a tangent when trying think of why hobbyists try to fix things. I still kinda think its the same reasons, just on a more mish mash scale. because some hobbyists have fixed things in a way that was better than the same kinda fix before.
  19. R

    Reinventing the Wheel

    imho.... They are not re-inventing the same thing, they are refining on what came before. D&D has done this to its self as much as anyone else, if not more. From 1e to 2e to 3e to 4e to 5e = there are marked and Large changes to an otherwise same system (compared to how little GURPS or...
  20. R

    Spells: do you prefer Rotes or Dynamic?

    Would everyone be willing to have Rote spells, a smaller list of Rote spells, but the ones that are provided are really punchy and interesting? Or would you rather have all of the core Rote spells (attack, shield, strength, teleport, etc etc etc), at the cost of each spell being more generic in...