Search results

  1. TheLe

    Unorthodox Goblins for 5e!

    Get it now At! Goblins are found in nearly every realm. They breed quickly and can be nuisance in nearly any society. While goblins are most dangerous in large hordes, there are few champion-quality goblins that can be a serious challenge to any adventurer. Beware of any goblin that...
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  3. TheLe

    D&D 5E Enchanted Armory: SNIPER

    For those players who like to specialized in ranged weapondry, The Le Game is proud to bring you Enchanted Armory: Sniper! This amazing book bring you 21 magic items that focuses on ranged weapons. Inside you'll find: GET IT NOW AT RPGNOW! • Aggregate Bow • Blessed Bow of Channeling •...
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  6. TheLe

    Ki Powers (for 5e)

    The Le Games returns with a new options to bring your Monk to the next level -- 13 new Ki Powers! Inside you'll find: Get it now at rpgnow! Monk• ARCANE SOUL: You discovered a mystic secret: magic is only another form of ki. • AXIOMATIC POWER: Your ki strengthens the laws of reality. •...
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  9. TheLe

    D&D 5E Anomalous Races: Uranoian (For just $1.00!)

    The Le Games is happy to announce it has teamed up with Snake Justice Supplements to produce Anomalous Races: Uranoian! This new race for the 5e system will give your players new options as they find adventure and treasure in your campaign setting. Best of all you can get it now for $1.00...
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  12. TheLe

    D&D 5E Enchanted Armory: UNBROKEN (pay-what-you-want!)

    The Le Games is happy to announce the release of Enchanted Armory: Unbroken for the 5e system. Best of all you can pay what you want! Get it now at Rpgnow Inside you'll find: • Belt of Foresight • Caster Sword of Defense • Crossbow of the Lightfoot • Moor's Door • Ring of Casting • Ring of...
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  15. TheLe

    D&D 5E Enchanted Armory: Stormguard (now just 50 cents)

    The Le Game is happy to announce a new 5e magic item book: Enchanted Armory: Stormguard! Unlike previous Enchanted Armory books this tiny book is just 50 cents! Get it now at DMG! Inside you'll find: • Dagger of Repeating • Neverwinter Helm • Wild Sword • Infinity Orb of Dead Light Best of...
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  17. TheLe

    Enchanted Armory: HAVOC (for 5e)

    The Le Games is happy to bring you ENCHANTED ARMORY: HAVOC! This new book of magic items are made for low level players and those who want to spice up the campaign world! Best of all, you can pay-what-you-want! Get it now at DMSguild! Inside this book you'll find the folliowing 10 magic...
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  20. TheLe

    The Le Games Presents: Unorthodox Archetypes: SPARTANS (for 5e)

    The Le Games is happy to announce the return of the Unorthodox series for 5e! We kick things off with Unorthodox Archetypes: Spartans! With their Xiphos (short sword) and Aspis (Spartan shield) in hand, the Spartan is a fighter archetype like none other! But the Spartan isn't just for fighters...