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  1. SpringRoll

    Fabula Ultima: Table Talk JPRG in English

    Can I be the critical voice of the group? Sorry, I'll be harsh. Make your judgments pairing my voice to others. I'm not speaking "the truth". Just something not nice Some points to consider: [A] Try to pick a copy of Log Horizon or ArianRhod and see. I know most western players aren't familiar...
  2. SpringRoll

    Dice pool game design woes

    I think the problem needs to be tackled with a little lateral thinking, because changing the roll+bonus system into a dice pool really means changing the paradigm. It's not just a matter of arithmetic. The advantage of using a pool is the immediate granularity of the results. Therefore, instead...
  3. SpringRoll

    Thinking About the Purpose of Mechanics from a Neo-Trad Perspective

    It's fun to me. The debate is about 4ed being good for "neo-trad" gameplay, but what the OP is doing is not "neo-trad", it's "trad" (detaching methods on convenience to follow the plot and reattach them is the core of trad). Neo-trad is something no one is playing or quoting in this forum from...
  4. SpringRoll

    An example where granular resolution based on setting => situation didn't work

    Can you believe I didn't get the whole point? If RM didn't have a single, proper mechanic to solve the situation, you still have a number of ways to solve situations that are implict of the GM role. I dunno why "GM decide" should be the worst option. The GM continually decide (you decided that...
  5. SpringRoll

    GM: Table Leader

    Go the japanese way (as I did). The GM is the facilitator. The game is structured, and players make relevant choices popping out from rules. Scenes are introduced by the GM, but players tell what happen (the system is easy and usually inverse the western one: you must narrate the outcome of the...
  6. SpringRoll

    What is Willpower?

    I usually design Willpower in my homebrews, but it belong to a low scope, deeply humanized context. I suppose heroic gameplay give for granted your character is bold enough, so no Willpower checks. Willpower = control against stimulus. Resist pain, be focused on long term tasks, endure...
  7. SpringRoll

    Does Dual-Wielding = Double Damage?

    I do fencing and Renaissance fencing, following old italian swordplay style formulated by Achille Marozzo that, guess what, is doubled. The facts are: Actual fighting isn't a fair exchange of hits. If my "entrata" (attack intent) is good enough, you don't do any "risposta" (attack on your...
  8. SpringRoll

    Ever wanted to play as an Insectoid explorer in a wild and mutated setting?

    How do you think an entomophobiac like me could react to this?