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  1. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Byron: You jump across just enough that you are able to make the edge without falling in ((Don't forget armor check penalty and your rank in jump putting you at a -1)), you begin to listen in and hear some deep snore echoing down the corridors Edmund this too becomes clear to you, it sounds...
  2. Screenshot 2024-07-09 2.28.42 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-07-09 2.28.42 PM.png

  3. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    The party strides past the insects and bats with a quickness to find themselves facing a form of natural aquifer cutting through the cave. Everyone except Byron is able to make the jump with no issue whose armor is an hindrance, he will need to make a jump attempt ((DC 10)) or be swept into the...
  4. Screenshot 2024-07-09 10.14.37 AM.png

    Screenshot 2024-07-09 10.14.37 AM.png

  5. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Yeah, I’m on the road traveling so I’ll set something up when I get back to my notes
  6. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Haven’t heard from anyone in a while.
  7. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Eos: Understanding that it is quite impossible to sneak around this place as you need dim light to see you are pretty much a walking sign that indicates to anything inside where you are or coming from. Just rounding the corner to be able to see the room beyond you hear two things, first the...
  8. Screenshot 2024-07-01 3.56.09 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-07-01 3.56.09 PM.png

  9. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Byron: You look through the weapons and armor of the creatures, they carry long swords of different designs and smiths. Clearly the creatures do not have a weapon smith of their own, the armor appears to be roughly made studded leather it would go to show that there is battle damage and multiple...
  10. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Round 2: Byron’s flail swings around the air missing the Tommyknocker, Edmund knocks back another precise arrow leaving the creature in a frenzy, Eos having taken a large slash across the shoulder turns back the blade of his axe ((18 to hit)) slays the creature before it can draw anymore...
  11. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    okay so I’ll post later just finished tonight and I have twelve hours until I travel again.
  12. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    I’ve been on a work trip and been busy with my job having issues, I’ll end up finishing up the second round tonight and I’ll map out the areas when I get back.
  13. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    This dice rolled 4 Nat 20s a Nat 1 and some other neutral roles, its round two one creature left and may the dice be in your favor. Also Eos axes are x3 crit not x2
  14. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Surprise Round: With in a few seconds the larger Tommyknocker grabs his blade and tries to move forward, with a sudden sureness Byron takes his weapon sweeping at the leg of the creature. ((13 vs Trip)) The creature falls down to the ground, the only aware combatant and is then stabbed with the...
  15. Screenshot 2024-06-23 2.29.24 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-06-23 2.29.24 PM.png

  16. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Well it's been 72 hrs I am going to narrate the surprise round and first round and give you all 48 hrs for round two... On the subject of goblins one of them has appeared to stolen my d20 from my set so I will be using my red and blue d20 for the time until I find my other one.
  17. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    There was the small one you killed this one is different as described. You tracked small tommy knockers to the mine, then when waiting around you ran into larger more adult like ones. There is more than just those creatures in the mines
  18. OneCrappy DM

    (OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    They are also medium sized creatures, but he can move toward them so it won’t be easy for them to escape. The surprise round is just a standard so I will move you into position for round 1.
  19. OneCrappy DM

    (IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

    Party: Edmund with the help of Tobias peaks around what is to be the x on the map, he can see a couple off halls and corridors attached to this room leading to his left and right. There will be time to explore deeper later, right now there is an ambush to set up and that corner seems to be able...
  20. Screenshot 2024-06-20 3.29.25 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-06-20 3.29.25 PM.png
