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  1. GeorgeFields

    Kingdoms of Kalamar Collector's Guide

    Wow - this post is almost 5 years old. Thanks for the shout out!
  2. GeorgeFields

    Love for Hackmaster?

    As with any system, not everyone will like it; especially those that prefer rules-light RPGs. For me, I can't see myself running any other system now. I was ready to give up RPGs until HackMaster Basic was released back in 2009. It renewed my love for gaming, and I felt like I was 10 years old...
  3. GeorgeFields

    HackMaster players wanted

    I'm still looking for one more player.
  4. GeorgeFields


    The new HM is my game of choice. I've been running it for about 4 years now with no plans to look back.
  5. GeorgeFields

    HackMaster players wanted

    Apologies, I forgot to add the location to the thread title. Could a mod add [Sandoval, IL] to the title?
  6. GeorgeFields

    HackMaster players wanted

    I'm looking to start a new RPG group to meet one Saturday / month for a 6-8 hour session of the new HackMaster system. I am in Sandoval, IL 62882 and will provide a place to meet & play. If you're interested, email me at George.Fields (AT) gmx (DOT) com
  7. GeorgeFields

    3G: Games, Games, Games

    We all do. :p I'll have to share my experience later this week when time allows. :)
  8. GeorgeFields

    HACKMASTER Basic - for free!

    Yeah, the book isn't cheap; but it's high quality in production and content. HackMaster Basic Plus pdf is available for anyone that's gone through the free basic pdf and wants a little more without dropping the cash for the full PH. It contains the character creation rules along with new...
  9. GeorgeFields

    HACKMASTER Basic - for free!

    The only problem with that is the highest number on a die isn't a possible result. If you roll a 6 on d6p, rolling a one for the second roll would result in a '7' instead of a 6.
  10. GeorgeFields

    Future of D&D Keynote Speech [UPDATE - with video!]

    Agreed. If they're going to reformat them, how much more work is required to go ahead and reformat them into both pdf and e-reader format? I'm asking as I have no idea.
  11. GeorgeFields

    Future of D&D Keynote Speech [UPDATE - with video!]

    I've got the same issues. I am excited about the old books being available again. Personally, I'm hoping for pdf as I don't have any kind of e-reader or tablet.
  12. GeorgeFields

    Blood, Guts & Glory - it's finished, and it's free!

    Awesome! I'll check it out.
  13. GeorgeFields

    HACKMASTER Basic - for free!

    A friend of mine actually said he preferred HackMaster be a joke game and not a real RPG. He's missing out.
  14. GeorgeFields

    Creating a Globe

    The globe is something I'd thought about in the past. When my son was 3 or 4 years old, I bought him a large plastic ball that had the earth painted on it; and I wondered if an RPG company would consider doing that. The quality wasn't the best, but they could be relatively inexpensive if there...
  15. GeorgeFields

    Creating your Character vs. Meeting your Character

    3d6 in order is the method the new HackMaster uses. You can switch them around if you like; but if you leave them in the order rolled, you get 50 bonus building points. Also, can can swap two of the scores around and receive 25 bonus points. A 'shopkeeper' rule exists for really bad stats. If...
  16. GeorgeFields

    Need players: Belleville/St Louis area

    It's not PF or AD&D2e, but I have a HackMaster game in Fairview Heights that meets every other Sunday. We have seven in the group and could make room for one more if you would be interested.
  17. GeorgeFields

    HACKMASTER Basic - for free!

    We'll have to agree to disagree on this. I was ready to give up playing RPGs before this was originally released in 2009. I read a thread on the Kenzer boards about the game before it was released and decided to pre-order it. My love for RPGs was completely rejuvenated. I was lucky enough to...
  18. GeorgeFields

    To Kill or Not to Kill (PCs): That is the Question...

    The risk of PC death is what makes the game exciting for me. Not every PC that is created is made out to be a hero. Some will fail; other will survive on go on to greater things. While I agree it's a pointless way to lose a character, there's no reason to make rolls to cross if there is no...
  19. GeorgeFields

    Advanced Hackmaster

    I'll echo what everyone else is saying. In 2009, I was ready to give up RPGs until HackMaster Basic was released. I've had one group playing for two years now and have just started another group. Two of the guys in my new group haven't played RPGs in years - by years I mean the 80's and AD&D1e...
  20. GeorgeFields

    Hacklopedia of Beasts now IN-STOCK and SHIPPING

    I saw it at GenCon. I was surprised as how heavy it actually is! Hopefully, mine will arrive just in time for my next game session! I've got the PH pre-ordered and am looking forward to giving feedback on it.