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  1. K

    EONS #61: Ten Magical Careers

    If you are going to have vampires and Werewolves as players then I think it does make sense. When you first get bitten you take the Vampire career, which makes you a weak basic vampire. Now at some point you have a choice, do you try to improve your new abilities, by taking the vampire career...
  2. K

    EONS #61: Ten Magical Careers

    This gave me an idea. What about Werewolf, Vampire and Ghost as careers? To me, they would make more sense then having them as races. The only twist you'd have to have is that taking the career exploit would have to be mandatory.
  3. K

    Does anybody else think that Magic has too many skill divisions?

    Technically posting articles full of ship designs was just a logical application of the existing rules too. An article like that would be judged on its content. So if it contains some interesting and flavourful magical traditions, then it would be every bit as useful as books of additional...
  4. K

    WOIN Official Errata Thread

    The weapons table on page 76 of OLD appears to have the statistics for Scythes and Sickles around the wrong way. As it lists sickle as being Large and doing more damage then a Scythe.
  5. K

    OLD Magic Question

    This is actally something you find in many girtty games, as something of a nod to realism. In the real world people can and have died from one punch. This is just part of the default assumptions in WOIN not being Heroic High Fantasy. So combat can be brutal. Even then Woin is still genereous...
  6. K

    OLD Magic Question

    Based on my reading of the rules. 1. the base effect elements are additive. So yes you do need an illusion skill of 7 to make an illusion that iwll fool all the senses. And yes you to need an evoke skill of 20 to throw a 10d6 fireball. This seems resonable to me considerting that to have 10d6...
  7. K

    Secrets question

    Spells in Woin don't require a roll unless there is some one or some thing actively opposing them. Things like cantrips would just happen most of the time. Also this thread seems to be forgetting about the Alchemy skill, which allows you to cast spells without having a magic attribute. You...
  8. K

    Does anybody else think that Magic has too many skill divisions?

    Well. now I know what the next three careers are going to be for my solo play character. And she is really going on a grand tour of the magic using careers here. With a smattering of fighitng careers thrown in.
  9. K

    Does anybody else think that Magic has too many skill divisions?

    How do you get a 6 in a magic skill? There are no races that let you take a magic skill, and you only get 5 careers. And the Mage's Arcane Knowledge Base exploiit explicitly says you can't use it to improve an existing skill. So even if you use it to get a skill, and then imporvoe it as part of...
  10. K

    Does anybody else think that Magic has too many skill divisions?

    Actyually now that I think about it. I'd probalby make Evoke remain its own thing for combat reasons, and lump Summon in with Create, As this also raise interesting implications, do magic users actually know the difference? If you create a dead body to distract a monster, are you relaly creating...
  11. K

    Does anybody else think that Magic has too many skill divisions?

    OLD, as written has 15., and when I compare this to other games with a verb noun magical system that is a lot, particularly considering that most characters only gain 1 rank in one magical skill per grade. So extreme specialisation is going to be required. Also it strikes me that a lot of the...
  12. K

    Any plans for an OLD adventure path?

    Hopefully this other license will be more traditional fantasy. Steampunk is just not what i'm looking for at the moment. I'm hoping for more straight fantasy adventures. Hopefully starting with Act's 2 & 3 of the Hengistbury adventure.
  13. K

    So I finally ran a first session of OLD

    On my other point, maybe EONS needs an article that recaps all the recovery rules and options in the one place and discusses how things like medicine and herbalism can be used to aid recovery. At the moment as I said this information is hard to find. I still don't know where in the rule book the...
  14. K

    So I finally ran a first session of OLD

    My Son's 15. We've been gaming in different systems on an off for years. Probaly the longest running was a game of DungeonWorld using the Mini-megadugneon from Dysons Dodecahedron. And the most awesome session bieng a game of MouseGuard with some friends kids back when they where 7 - 11 years...
  15. K

    So I finally ran a first session of OLD

    I finally managed to run a first session fo my son. So far the following htings have come up for us: The monsters as written are dann lethal, too much so for a one character situation. Heck some of them he can't actually hurt as their defences are too damn high. Heck there are quite a few spots...
  16. K

    Clarification abouit using Herbalism to inflict a condition

    If my character is trying to Brew a sleeping potion, basically a potion that inflicts the Tiredness condition snoozing, does this take 3 hours and 3 rolls against alchemy or 1 hour and one roll against alchemy? Or is it 3 rolls difficulty 13 to brew the potion, and than another vs Mental...
  17. K

    A clean simple charactersheet for OLD

    I have just uploaded A clean simple charactersheet for OLD to the downloads area. I created a simple character sheet for OLD. The idea on it is that dice ranking gho in the rounded boxes. Note its sized for A4 paper which is the standard in my part of the world, so It may end up a little shrunk...
  18. K

    A clean simple charactersheet for OLD 1

    I created a simple character sheet for OLD. The idea on it is that dice ranking gho in the rounded boxes. Note its sized for A4 paper which is the standard in my part of the world, so It may end up a little shrunk for thouse of you using letter paper. Unlike the offical sheet this one is black...
  19. K

    A clean simple charactersheet for OLD - A clean simple charactersheet for OLD

    I created a simple character sheet for OLD. The idea on it is that dice ranking gho in the rounded boxes. Note its sized for A4 paper which is the standard in my part of the world, so It may end up a little shrunk for thouse of you using letter paper. Unlike the offical sheet this one is black...
  20. K

    A clean simple charactersheet for OLD - A clean simple charactersheet for OLD

    I created a simple character sheet for OLD. The idea on it is that dice ranking gho in the rounded boxes. Note its sized for A4 paper which is the standard in my part of the world, so It may end up a little shrunk for thouse of you using letter paper. Unlike the offical sheet this one is black...