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  1. Z

    What To Expect In Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

    All of these changes sound good to me. IIRC this comes out in August? September? Looking forward to it.
  2. Z

    RPG Evolution: The Placidia Campaign

    This is very good. One great thing about this era from the viewpoint of inspiring a campaign are the many conflicts going on. The Eastern and Western empires, the court intrigues, the "barbarians" who are fighting Rome while also wanting to emulate it, the leaders who vary from inept to...
  3. Z

    Renegade Studios Sends C&D To Stop Small Creator Using The Word 'Renegade'

    I'll say this: Having thought about it a bit more, i can imagine why a company would feel like they need to do this, even if it also feels like paranoid overkill, and not cool in the least. Running a business will make you paranoid. Still leaves a negative impression on me, as it still smacks...
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    Renegade Studios Sends C&D To Stop Small Creator Using The Word 'Renegade'

    Not buying it. If you were so concerned about confusion at this level, you wouldn't have picked a normal vocabulary word as your company's name, especially not one that was already in use in the titles of many games. I had no impression of your company before this. Now I have a very negative one.
  5. Z

    RPG Evolution: The People Who Don't Game

    This kind of thinking can have a huge effect on you when you're a kid. Young me could've had a lot more fun, and a larger group of friends, if the satanic panic nonsense had not driven me away from games i actually wanted to play. Before anyone says "you should've just done your own thing...
  6. Z

    RPG Evolution: The People Who Don't Game

    People like what they like. Some friends don't like playing games, so I do other things with them. It's never been an issue. I disagree about the "he was right" part. That implies we are doing something foolish by getting to know other people, and letting them know us. There's nothing wrong...
  7. Z

    Monster Of The Week Retro Review

    I've been thinking of buying this game for a while now, especially since our group recently played, and liked, Blades in the Dark. It's nice that it will be in hardcover now, but i wish that the old cover was still an option.
  8. Z

    WotC Walks Back Some OGL Changes, But Not All

    Well, this is certainly much better than the leaked version, but, as others have already said, the trust is broken. There are various things here that make eyes roll, and it certainly could have been said sooner, but if the end result doesn't hurt people's livelihoods, we can count that as a...
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    OGL: What Are The Publishers Saying [UPDATED]

    I'm sure there are people who would enjoy a game like that. Maybe it would take off. That would seem to be a very different game, but if other people like it, so be it. But for me, and i expect for most of the people i know (both online and in the big blue room), the hasbro/wotc version of...
  10. Z

    OGL: What Are The Publishers Saying [UPDATED]

    Just a thought that occured to me: DMs are more likely to know about, and be mad about, the OGL changes. If many DMs don't want to run Hasbro stuff anymore, how much do casual fans matter? Buying all 3 core books, learning the rules, and running games is not casual. The casual fans at my...
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    OGL: What Are The Publishers Saying [UPDATED]

    This is from the DMDave article: "We can't fight this in court, even though we're confident we'd win. It would be extremely expensive and take two years just to get a verdict. And then we can expect another 4+ years of appeals just to have Wizards settle in the end. During that time, the courts...
  12. Z

    The OGL -- Just What's Going On?

    I could see attaching a new license to One D&D, but retroactively removing existing OGLs from previous versions seems to violate the OGL, and it definitely a dick move. It would have to be decided in court, which unfortunately would mean some larger 3rd party publisher would have to pay a lot...
  13. Z

    WotC Announces OGL 1.1 -- Revised Terms, Royalties, and Annual Revenue Reporting

    The revenue reporting will be useful to Hasbro for identifying what sorts of products are in demand. Adventure modules are down? Put Yawning Portal 2 on hold. Four different ninja-related 3rd party books sold over $50k? See what the developers can do with Kara-Tur next quarter.
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    Nominate your favorite TTRPG podcast of 2022

    I re-nominate with links:
  15. Z

    Nominate your favorite TTRPG podcast of 2022

    I nominate Morrus' Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk. I listen to it on Sundays, going to and from my weekly D&D game, and it's always good.
  16. Z

    RPG Print News – Cubicle 7 and More

    Thanks! I just ordered my copy.
  17. Z

    RPG Print News – Cubicle 7 and More

    Does anybody know when the Doctor Who rpg will be available? Cubicle 7 lists it as a pre-order, Noble Knight shows the regular edition out of stock, and Amazon doesn't show it at all.