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    Is a Ranger still part of a group while scouting?

    OK, I have some questions about my new Ranger character. The DM is currently working up a campaign where he and some friends are guiding a group of escaped slaves through a forest. Coincidentally, (I swear) my character has that as his favored terrain, so the group can move at full speed...
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    Social skills vs. ... all other mechanics

    The low charisma character played by a high charisma player is a clear problem. I ~really~ like having my character make suggestions and think things out so trying to play someone with low intelligence would be ~hard~.
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    What makes D&D, D&D?

    I think only magic using medieval worlds need apply.
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    Do a +1 magic shield and Shield of Faith conflict?

    I wouldn't think so, since the magic shield isn't actually a spell, but I thought I'd ask before I spent the money on the shield for my new character. I would assume the bonuses stack, besides the obvious advantage of having the shield available even if surprised.
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    Can a druid use Beast Sense on a summoned creature?

    This seems like a great way to scout ahead. For instance, summon a rat, cast Beast Sense, and send it into the goblin's cave. The reason I ask is that a summoned creature is, in at least some ways, a spirit. Is it also enough of a beast for Beast Sense to work? In related questions, while...
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    D&D 5E Using proficiency instead of dex for ac

    And besides, dexterity is perfectly reasonable for boosting AC. Not being in the way when the axe comes down is a ~good~ thing and that's what it measures. Well, a dextrous person is going to be better with a shield too, right from the get go. Better at blocking all around. No, I like Dex in AC.
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    D&D 5E DM is letting me play a kitsune, we'll see how it works out

    Hey, I want ~everything~ because it looks cool and is fun; why else play? But it ~is~ appropriate for the character and I did tone it down from the glaive.
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    D&D 5E DM is letting me play a kitsune, we'll see how it works out

    Sure, he's low Strength and Constitution by design not necessity. And high Dexterity. I wanted to make his human form much like his fox form. Really fast and hard to hit, but not able to soak up much damage once you do get through. Partly I wanted something that really felt like a kitsune...
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    D&D 5E DM is letting me play a kitsune, we'll see how it works out

    I also made it a 1d8, not 1d10, and not a reach weapon. My kitsune uses it because he's small and light. 5'0", 120, and strength of 9.
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    D&D 5E DM is letting me play a kitsune, we'll see how it works out

    Mostly weight, partly training. It was meant to be a woman's weapon, to be used against armored men, so speed and precision were important. Glaives were meant more for men to chop ~through~ armor. At least that was my read on it and my DM bought it. YMMV. :)
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    D&D 5E Attacking from hiding -- who knows where you are?

    If you attack from hiding, using a bow, you "give away your location", but to who? Certainly to your target (unless they're dead), but to anyone else? When your target goes down any other enemy standing next to him certainly notices it and has some idea where the arrow came from but is it...
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    D&D 5E Preferred way to build your characters:

    I said mix, but somehow or other I keep ending up as the tank. I just created a small, trickster that I'll be trying out Sunday, but he's a very ~dangerous~ small trickster so who knows?
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    D&D 5E DM is letting me play a kitsune, we'll see how it works out

    I should have carefully written down the rules I made up for myself instead of doing it on the fly, so this will be a bit vague. A kitsune has to be a shapeshifter, but only back and forth from a fox form. Being a fox who can shift into human (not a were) there were some skills that won't...
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    D&D 5E Are sleep spells additive?

    I didn't see that, but still, what about the creature that's ~half~ asleep?
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    D&D 5E Are sleep spells additive?

    Two of us in the party are able to cast Sleep. If Gregor casts it, putting the two lowest enemies to sleep and the third one half way to sleep where does Satoshi start counting when he casts it? Back at the beginning wasting effort on enemies that are already asleep? On the third lowest...
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    D&D 5E Armor class and proficiency on saving throws

    OK, as a rogue, my character has proficiency on dexterity saving throws. Armor class has dex added in. For leather, 11 + his dex modifier. My question is, should I also add in his proficiency. Reasonably, you could say yes, because armor class amounts to a saving throw. Or, you could say...
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    D&D 5E Disguise Self and advantage

    A mixed group of a wizard guarded by hobgoblins is fighting the group of adventurers. My new character, not yet having joined the party, is a rogue and is using Disguise Self to appear to be another hobgoblin. He walks up behind the wizard and attempts to take his head off. Does he have...
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    D&D 5E Leveling up and meta knowledge

    :) I'm sure he's been planning that all week.
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    D&D 5E Leveling up and meta knowledge

    Oh yeah, that sword is great! With his dex and proficiency bonuses it's +9 on attack and +7 on damage. When he gets to use Colossus Slayer it's another d8 on damage.
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    D&D 5E Leveling up and meta knowledge

    During our lest session my character (Erdan, a half-elf ranger) leveled up to 4 ~and~ picked up some magical items. A +3 shortsword Studded armor resistant to force damage An increased dexterity bonus, boosting his armor class and attack and damage bonuses (all of his weapons are finesse) A...