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    Getting into the industry

    I really have no idea where such a topic could go, but I believe this is where Morrus suggested I take it. I've had a lot of trouble with job-hunting and various other things as I became a young adult(I'm a high-functioning autistic who was diagnosed late and thus lack some coping strategies...
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    Where would this topic belong?

    Thanks. I know it's probably a bit unusual.
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    Where would this topic belong?

    Hi, I've been absent from Enworld for a long time, but recent therapy sessions have me exploring new perspectives and things, and I was wondering if there was a place on this forum where it would be appropriate for me to inquire about what sorts of qualifications are necessary to get into...
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    The Enemy Within

    "Two crowns would be just fine..." The young man nods, passing the coins over with a smile. "I knew we could find a reasonable proposition for everyone..." As the other man introduced himself, Alain smiled and extended his hand, a customary measure he understood for introductions amongst...
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    Romance of the River Kingdoms II

    "Then all we need to do is ensure none save the Vashti hears our story..." Shakou said simply, shrugging her feline shoulders.
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    Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)

    Hrm... my CB file actually indicates a 24 point buy... which may be why it isn't quite to snuff. The problem, of course, is I don't know what to do with that 1 point, lol
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    Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:

    So, you want me to add what it looks like? I didn't intend for it to be very visibly obvious, more something that anyone of magical ability could FEEL was magic if they were close enough to it. If anything it'd feel like a static charge around his foot as it passed by his head.
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    Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:

    Casting=Stunning Fist. I've been trying to get that Stunning fist to be a manifestation of Aidan's latent magical talents since his fight with Rathman! >.> I say it every time I use it. :P That's why I finally decided to use it now, so Hooded Stranger could see the magic and know Aidan's a...
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    Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:

    If I take a level of Duskblade, then I'd already meet the spontaneous casting requirement. If I do the 0 LA spells... the increased spells through the PrC are essentially wasted, because there really aren't many 0 level spells that are much use. My main hitch with duskblade is the lack of...
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    Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:

    I like things that don't run out. Did you notice how I like to maximize my chance to hit with a stunning fist attack? I trip because I want to hit. I don't want to fizzle my attacks missing an unhittable adversary. :P Two 1/day abilities of the magnitude of a level 0 spell don't seem...
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    Gandalf's evil game OOC-closed

    Correct, Glasseye. Solos, I'm working from the D20PFSRD... I don't actually have the Pathfinder books. Maybe that's part of why I'm getting so confused. :P I just love the idea of "Create your own monster" the summoner allows. Glasseye: Doesn't the Eidolon come up different each time I...
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    Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)

    What exactly will I need to update to continue? Rujah's level 5 Daily?
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    Gandalf's evil game OOC-closed

    Work in progress Viran Saurian Summoner, Neutral Evil Str: 14 (5 Points) Dex: 14 (5 points) Con: 14 (2 points, +2 racial) Int: 8 (-2 Racial) Wis: 13(3 points) Cha: 22 (10 Points, +2 racial, +4 Items) Points Spent: 25 Class features: A summoner learns a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells...
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    Kholdstare's Scales of War 4E Campaign [Discussion] (FULL)

    I'll agree it's unfortunate, but not much can be done unless another DM decides to step in until Kholdstare returns or indefinitely. ~shrug~
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    [Recruiting] Forgotten Realms 4E PBP!

    Hey. I myself would not be able to commit to your game, but I wanted to let you know that you would likely get a larger response if you posted in the "Talking the Talk" area. Playing the Game is where the In Character play threads go, while the Talking the Talk area is for recruitment and...
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    Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:

    I suppose we can go that route for now, though I wanted the flight eventually too. But that just means if the game continues... :P As for the ki strike... I'm not sure a 2/day spell like ability as weak as 'flare' is worth a constant potential bonus on every unarmed attack I make. Then again...
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    Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:

    I'm glad I levelled, but I am honestly clueless now as to how to proceed with Aidan's levelling... since I'm now paranoid about my performance.
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    Best Practices for running single-player (or two-player) campaigns

    Honestly, the answer to that lies with your playstyle. See, if you stick to the RAW and use prefabricated adventures, a single person campaign would be brutally difficult. Let's see that level 12 fighter fight that flying, paralyzing breath breathing dragon! (hyperbolic example). I don't...
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    Best Practices for running single-player (or two-player) campaigns

    I'm no expert, but I think that to help increase versatility for the single PC, the gestalt variant in Unearthed Arcana found The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) :: would be a good idea. Combining two classes can let the character take the best attributes of...
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    Gandalf's evil game OOC-closed

    Sounds fine to me. Of course, my summoner intends to be the power behind his own throne. :devil: