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  1. Conqueror Worm

    Worlds of Design: Single RPG Conventions

    Back in the day, I used to attend Gloranthacon which was centered around Runequest. There was also Arcanicon (centered around the campaign setting of Arcanis by Paradigm Concepts) and a convention centered around Legends of the Five Ring RPG.
  2. Conqueror Worm

    D&D 5E Strixhaven Has Exams, Jobs, & Extracurricular Activities

    Geez....I remember the days when D&D was an escapism from schoolwork.
  3. Conqueror Worm

    D&D 5E Kate Welch on Leaving WotC

    I listen to the Dragon Talk podcast each week. The hosts treat the job of 'game mastering' as if it is some sacred cow. When Shelly Mazzanoble (sp?) does her "Learning to GM portion, she openly says how intimidated she is in being a Game Master.....and this is from a WOTC employee. Even with...
  4. Conqueror Worm

    WotC Older D&D Books on DMs Guild Now Have A Disclaimer

    It is a fair compromise where old school gamers and progressives will not be 100% happy but they will still both have some takeaways from it.
  5. Conqueror Worm

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    It's irrational to assume either. Neither is likely. What is most likely is WotC are doing normal corporate belt-tightening. However, virtually all the PoC who work(ed) for WotC have been in contractor roles. Contractors are the first to go in belt-tightening. What's the solution? Make an...
  6. Conqueror Worm

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    I did find it odd in Orion's statement that they was complaining how he was treated by leadership but YET was upset when he didn't get a contract extension or a transition as a full time employee. Plus, it probably didn't help their case as a contractor that they were'critiquing their...
  7. Conqueror Worm

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    If you are crying on the shoulders of your co-workers as they described, that is a telltale sign you are not ready for the corporate world.
  8. Conqueror Worm

    Arcanis: Cradle of Empires

    I am really excited about Paradigm Concepts' Kickstarter as well.. Arcanis has been my campaign setting of choice since its release about a decade ago, both in its d20 incarnation and as its own standalone RPG. I can't recommend it enough.
  9. Conqueror Worm

    RPGs in Northern NJ! (See Below)

    I am definitely interested! Im a big Birthright fan that lives in Mahwah, NJ. Feel free to contact me at