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  1. Masha42 Errata &

    yeah the why is more rhetoric because I just nearly broke my tired brain trying to figure through this magic item.
  2. Masha42 Errata &

    I am currently driven mad by the fact that Osseous PLATE (T&T pg 274) is tagged as Chainmail yet there is no Chainmail item in the AG's armour list (pg 319/320). There is the Hauberk but the sole difference from O5e Chainmail is that it does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks... which the...
  3. Masha42

    Gate Pass Gazette Here's Gate Pass Gazette #14!

    Here's a glorious comment from one of my players: I petition that Madrai (New Canine Race) should always have the Good Alignment because they are all Good Boys/Girls.
  4. Masha42

    Level Up (A5E) LevelUp in German/deutsch?

    I have no need for it, but I am bilingual in German and English, so if you need help translating some stuff, hit me up (discord is possibly even quicker to reach me: Masha#6671)
  5. Masha42

    Elissar/To Save A Kingdom To Save a Kingdom ETA?

    Personally unsure and the OGL drama might have actually delayed things - though I recall reading that Morrus said it's too far in development to make large changes cause of the OGL thing. But I am actually running it already since I had the 5e version via the en5ider patreon releases. Just...