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  1. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Knockdown Strike + Knockdown Assault Interaction

    A Berserker uses the Knockdown Assault maneuver, and assuming they deal 8+ damage, the target makes a Dex save or is prone. Let's say the attack was a critical, and the Berserker has the Knockdown Strike feature from Furious Critical. This calls for a Str save vs being knocked prone. Does the...
  2. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Powerful Attacker Question

    This is RAW-accurate, by my reading. I don't necessarily like it, however. I know this has been discussed elsewhere, just my 2 coppers.
  3. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Bladechanter and Booming/Green-Flame Blade Question

    Assuming the "blade-trips" Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade are allowed from O5E's Tasha book: Can a character with the Bladechanter synergy feat utilize both the cantrip (which requires a weapon attack) and the feat's reaction-spell feature? I consulted the rules for casting multiple...
  4. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Powerful Attacker Question

    Ah, good call with the SRD! There is a strange interaction with the AG version, I noticed. A quarterstaff can be used to "power attack" but not cleave (it is two-handed, but not heavy/versatile). The Warrior Monk is the opposite: they can cleave with unarmed strikes (they count as heavy), but...
  5. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Powerful Attacker Question

    According to the A5E Tools site, the Powerful Attacker feat only functions with heavy weapons. My copy of the Adventurer's Guide, however, adds the following sentence to the "cleave" aspect of the feat: The text of the "powerful attack" aspect also differs (bold text for emphasis): These...
  6. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Basic Maneuver Saving Throw Question

    Basic maneuvers (shove, grapple, etc) only require a saving throw from the target. This tells me a creature that is (normally) disadvantaged in some way (frightened, poisoned, restrained, etc) can attempt a basic maneuver just as easily as if they weren't suffering from such a condition, since...
  7. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Heightened Reflexes and spellcasting

    I was thinking more along the lines of instant reaction spells, like Arcane Riposte or Counterspell (yes, very expensive slotwise). I just find it odd/interesting that a combat maneuver could grant any sort of reactions. I wonder if the intent was to limit the extra reactions to maneuvers? That...
  8. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Heightened Reflexes and spellcasting

    The Heightened Reflexes maneuver states: "You gain a number of reactions equal to exertion points spent. You must use these reactions before the start of your next turn." Can multiple spells with a reaction casting time be cast this way? Is this intended, or could it be an undesired exploit?
  9. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Warning Strike and Guarded Warrior

    Warning Strike maneuver: Make a reaction attack vs a creature that moves out of your reach. This is not specified as an opportunity attack. Can it be used in a "forced movement" or Disengage situation? Guarded Warrior feat: Is the first bullet point (opp attack vs Disengage) rendered redundant...
  10. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Press the Attack, Fall Back, Warning Strike

    If an attacker uses Press the Attack and the target uses Fall Back, can the attacker counter with the Warning Strike maneuver? If so, and they hit, reducing the target's speed to 0, do they retain their attack advantage? Does the target retain their attack disadvantage?
  11. nyarly23

    Level Up (A5E) Herald Exertion

    I have a few questions about the Herald's exertion pool: 1) Is there a limit to how many points a herald can have in their temporary exertion pool? 2) Can a herald recover points in their temporary exertion pool (via short rest or expending Hit Dice)? 3) When a herald multiclasses with...