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  1. S

    Using pre-Columbian South American cultures for campaign background

    Rad. I am all for anything that diverges from the norm. I have a Mesoamerican setting in stagnant development myself... well, a sorta Mesoamerican Renaissance mix. Venice meets Tenochtitlan. Anyway, the Mesoamerican and Pre-Columbian categories of Wikipedia are helpful. I'm not familiar with any...
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    Live Nude Homebrews!

    Anyone else have favorite homebrew flavors? Valkyries are circling. Is the thread destined for the hall of the slain, to fight and feast forevermore, awaiting forumageddon? Or Hel, to freeze amongst spectres and shadows? I suspect the latter.
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    Unusual Weres

    Aha! It was called Cressia:
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    Unusual Weres

    I believe there was a collective homebrew (forumbrew?) that had werewolf paladins. Cool idea.
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    Unusual Weres

    Beware the were-manatee. It will eat all your cabbage! Not really weird-were, but my Mesoamerican Renaissance setting in stagnant development has were-jaguars.
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    Live Nude Homebrews!

    Another favorite idea is humans having been bred into various forms for specific purposes (not unlike dogs) in the Dark Heritage setting, by J-Dawg.
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    Live Nude Homebrews!

    For Shame! Haha. While I fully support homebrewing nude, the title isn't Live Nude HomebrewERS. What you do in the privacy of your own home I dare not imagine. The title was a play on strip-club advertisment. As in, strip that homebrew and show us your bits! Neon lights in sight, afternoon...
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    Live Nude Homebrews!

    How-do. What are your favorite bits of flavor from homebrews you've read about on these forums? A recent favorite of mine is the eccentric pantheon of CITY, by Mallus. I particularly like the idea of some winning divinity from a mysterious fallen angel, via a duel and a divorce and so forth...
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    Enter The Brainstorm: Hellenic Western

    DreadPirateMurphy: Thanks. But it seems you have missed some key concepts in my original post. First, the historical period which I lift is the mid to late fifth century (450s to 400s BC). This is the zenith of classical Greece, called the Age of Pericles. The Greco-Persians Wars are over. The...
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    Enter The Brainstorm: Hellenic Western

    Awesome, guys. Agent Orange: Gyro Western... hehehe. Yeah, I'm leaning towards downplaying the mythological aspects, walking towards the lite (fantasy), so to speak. Although... (Beware The Babbler!) I love me some satyr – I've been re-reading the novels of China Mieville, so I have a mental...
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    Post your favorite mood music...

    Requiem For A Dream, by Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet. The Professional, by Eric Serra – especially the track Noon.
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    Enter The Brainstorm: Hellenic Western

    Piratecat: Thanks. Inaccessibility... yeah, I hope even a smidgen of familiarity with both the (fairly recognizable) periods will give people a little ground to stand on before I one-two punch them off it - just enough for them to process a fusion of the two. But, of course, if various setting...
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    Enter The Brainstorm: Hellenic Western

    [Also posted verbatim at The more ideas the better.] Hi. I'm attempting to turn a setting brainfart into a... uh... brainpoop? Your comments and contributions would be most appreciated. The brainfart in question is a fusion of Classical Greece and the American Wild West into a dark...
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    [Oct] What Are You Reading?

    The Etched City - K.J. Bishop, her debut. A phantasmagoric tropical city western. Beautifully bizarre.