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  1. N

    D&D 3E/3.5 Thoughts about Arcane Spell Failure

    I think it was dropped because people didn't like it and because it was always a little weird. Like other classes couldn't wear armor, but they didn't have a customized stat for it. I remember kind of liking that you had another facet of armor to customize with different types and materials. It...
  2. N

    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    Having a die roll also lets you use abilities like luck inspiration, or even advantage on some tiny edge cases.
  3. N

    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    Oh I think I might have been too far in left field. I mean a check with no ability or proficiency modifier. So like if you were trying to do something and no ability would make sense and you don't have a proficiency to apply. The list of things that this apply for is quite small and most people...
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    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    How do they come off when you use them? I just digest them. They feel so unhinged and random like your being cheated out of something.
  5. N

    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    Technically there is also the unmodified check, but no one uses them. (Not even sure if they are official.)
  6. N

    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    I know the divided between skills and ability checks was much more explicitly and guarded because there were a lot of systems pushing and pulling on skills. You even had explicit you can't use this skill unless you have points into it type things. Also you just hated making an ability check...
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    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    I think that was also the approach in 3 and 3.5. 5 is the odd one out here.
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    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    I think they could have easily addressed that by just not using the word skill.
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    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    What I wish they did would be to have skills listed under backgrounds, classes and feats but not collected in a list. Or even just not calling them skills. Also I swear skills were an optional rule up all the way to the end of the play test. My memory might be faulty though.
  10. N

    D&D 5E Barter Economy

    I am generally in favor of doing weird sub systems in games. (The current Idea I am toying with is village building.) After thinking about it, I think way to do it would be to have like 5 types of goods, each one focused on a trade. So like footstock, metals, textiles, treasure, and say magic...
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    D&D 5E When is it OK to let a player substitute one skill for another?

    So I am mostly OK with using different skills to accomplish the same goal. I am less OK with the idea of trying to push everything to use the skill your best at.
  12. N

    Blog (A5E) Let’s Look At Exploration in Level Up

    My first thought on readying the pest encounter was being annoyed it was described as generic pests, so yea I can very easily see DMs making different pest variants. Maybe it's birds, maybe it's rats, maybe magical scabs. Each one unlocking slightly different methods of solving it, or punishment...
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    Blog (A5E) Let’s Look At Exploration in Level Up

    My thought is how interesting will it be to have the same challenge twice? You can have 5 encounters with goblins and have them all play differently, but if you have five encounters with overgrowth will that get redundant? You might need a system to add more a verity to a challenge?
  14. N

    D&D General What do do when a setting doesn't have magic?

    Lets say you find a setting you want to set your next DnD campaign in, but it's a setting with no magic. A good half the classes use magic, so so how do your address this? Do you just add magic, just not include wizards? Don't worry too much about the answer. It's a discussion not a actual...
  15. N

    D&D 5E How can you add more depth and complexity to skill checks?

    Degree of suggest was something I was picturing as a possibility. Something like a status effect or keyword system. For example you might pick up a magic lockpick that adds the untraceable affect.
  16. N

    D&D 5E How can you add more depth and complexity to skill checks?

    That is actually not out of the question. I think the actual check mechanic of rolling vs a dc might be limiting by itself. Like you can stack daily powers on daily powers, but if everything ends up as a single ability roll then that can act as a bottle neck of depth.
  17. N

    D&D 5E How can you add more depth and complexity to skill checks?

    I think most games have skill checks. DnD wise I think it was in 3-4, but a ton of games have skills you use to make some kind of check.
  18. N

    D&D 5E How can you add more depth and complexity to skill checks?

    Offer more choice in build and action in regards to the ability check side of gameplay. A little board because I don't want to narrow in on an answer before I get the question, but DnD doesn't have a lot of mechanical hooks if you want to invest in skills.
  19. N

    D&D 5E How can you add more depth and complexity to skill checks?

    I am never going to get use to the nomenclature.
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    D&D 5E How can you add more depth and complexity to skill checks?

    For this thread, I would like to take it as red that you want to do this. I know there is an argument that skills should be a simple, but assuming we want them to be more complex how do we do that?