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  1. J

    The Teratologue is here!

    Have my copy! My. That's a big book!
  2. J

    The Teratologue is here!

    Wait. What? New product out? Where do I order?!? B-)
  3. J

    Monster Book?

    W00t! :D
  4. J

    Monster Book?

    You can do it! Caffeinated support vibes your way! :cool:
  5. J

    Monster Book?

    2012. Uh, monster book...? Available first quarter this year? :p
  6. J

    Pathfinder 1E Could Pathfinder take D&D's place...

    Don't forget some famous movie star who played DnD as a youngster (ala Vin Diesel). Anyone know someone famous who played/plays Pathfinder and is willing to admit it? :cool:
  7. J

    Trailblazer's Summon Monster and [spell keywords]

    Nice. Kinda like the druid's alternate shape or the summoner's eidolon(sp?) from Paizo's Pathfinder RPG.
  8. J

    The care and feeding of your Trailblazer book

    I ordered -- and received -- another copy.
  9. J

    any Trailblazers going to GenCon?

    Damn! Now I wish I was goin'! :.-(
  10. J

    diagonal movement - 1:1 or 1.5:1?

    1:1's fine with me. Another non-critical subsystem to worry about. I had a GM once use the 1:1 movement rate in our Pathfinder game. Everything went fine.
  11. J

    Pathfinder 1E Dungeonaday... will we ever see a Pathfinder edition hard cover tome?

    Oh! I didn't know that. I may, finally, reconsidering and sign up a subscription. Is SGG still offering its products in the mix?
  12. J

    Savage Worlds Deluxe is coming

    Try it now
  13. J

    Savage Worlds Deluxe is coming

    Here you go (scroll down)
  14. J

    Monster Book?

    "You'll grow until you lose your sanity!" :D
  15. J

    Monster Book?

    Gorgeous stuff. Never pictured Cthulhu, though, with Arnold Schwarzenegger-arms, though. :heh:
  16. J

    [Weekend Design] New Classes?

    I try. Do you know, though, how hard it is to get the heart of an honest politician?!? ;)
  17. J

    [Weekend Design] New Classes?

    So, has Life relented yet? Curious the progress of the a) new classes (i.e., spell blade, witch doctor, etc)., b) resolution on monks (i.e., unarmed psi-based fighters?) and c) what are bards? ;)
  18. J

    Monster Book?

    Ditto. Slight threadjack here, but what's your opinion of the Advanced Players Guide?