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  1. parodocs

    Political and criminal intrigue, city building

    Thank you. I've been looking up your suggestions, which led to more searching... I'm back. I have been inspired by the ttrpgs you mentioned - and books - off to read more. Parodocs
  2. parodocs

    Political and criminal intrigue, city building

    Hi, I've been through en world from the beginning, and I've spent months on reddit and blogs but I have yet to find all my answers. Now I'm asking. Are there good mechanics for continental political and criminal intrigue? I've read some that were appropriate for small groups/social plays, and...
  3. parodocs

    D&D General D&D art and comic books

    I was looking through boxes today and I happened upon Black Orchid by Niel Gaiman and Dave McKean. The story is wonderful but the reason I initially bought the comic was for the art. If you could elicit the services of an artist of your choice, who would it be and what book or books would most...
  4. parodocs

    D&D General Size matters

    Hello, I'm building a campaign using 1st, 2nd, 3.5 modified (favourite) and a little 5th (more the stories and critters (with modifications). Epic fantasy, epic magic, epic critters: I'm designing rules for fighting colossal monsters.
  5. parodocs

    D&D General Size matters

    Hi, my question is pretty simple: does anyone have any homebrew ideas for Size in combat, how it effects AC, movement etc... 5e is lacking in the rules I think are relevant; combat is the first place to start: size does matter😁 Thank you, have a happy day. Parodocs