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  1. Sonny

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    I imagine some people will end up creating pass phrases to use when speaking to each other on the phone to fight this. For myself, I choose to use "chariots" as a pass phrase to let people know it's really me.
  2. Sonny

    D&D General Dungeons and Dragons Candy Bar

    I'm in California, so I could really go for some Mind Flayer Mint Chocolate edibles.
  3. Sonny

    Honor Among Thieves: Road to Neverwinter Review

    Des-TINA makes me think of a Bob's Burger/Despicable Me cross-over with Tina working as a Minion.
  4. Sonny

    D&D General Is D&D Survey Feedback Read? [UPDATED!]

    Ah! Thank you very much for the additional context.
  5. Sonny

    D&D General Is D&D Survey Feedback Read? [UPDATED!]

    Does anyone else find it to be an incredibly bad idea for them to show the actual reply they got? I think it may have been the wrong move to show the actual reply they got back. In addition to the person's writing style, we know they've seen the reports based off of One D&D feedback, but...
  6. Sonny

    D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Project Black Flag Update: Sticking To Our Principles

    The really alarming thing will be when someone here admits to getting younger.
  7. Sonny

    Critical Role Issues Statement

    Ttam Recrem looks like Jeff Foxworthy's cousin who's stand-up routine is based around gamer culture. "If you saw The Battle of Five Armies in theatres and wondered why Bard didn't just seduce Smaug... you might be a Role-player. "
  8. Sonny

    Rumours: WotC Announcement Today; Insider Email Reveals Plans

    WOTC is now in the "Find out" phase of this debacle.
  9. Sonny

    D&D Beyond Twitter Account says OGL will be addressed soon

    Just be glad they don't work off of Valve Time.
  10. Sonny

    Paizo How will OGL 1.1 affect Pazio, PF1 and P2?

    Good point, I forgot about the errata change and the Ancestry boosts.
  11. Sonny

    Paizo How will OGL 1.1 affect Pazio, PF1 and P2?

    That does seem a bit odd, and makes me wanna purchase a copy of their pdfs just in case. Also, you're on the 12th already? Where do I get the 2023 fastpass at?
  12. Sonny

    Ryan Dancey -- Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL

    Can you confirm that this was your reaction to reading the OGL 1.1 leaks? Sources that I just made up tell me it's exactly what happened.
  13. Sonny

    D&D General D&D products that never were

    Not a published book itself, but a web enhancement that was never released. Mysteries of the Moonsea had a Phlan web enhancement that was written, but nothing was done with it. I think it was Darrin Drader who wrote it (I may be misremembering who it was).
  14. Sonny

    D&D General An Iconic D&D Villain Features In Stranger Things’ New Seasom

    I would have been fine with getting beat to the punch, but your joke was also better. If this was a Superhero movie I would be swearing vengeance right now.
  15. Sonny

    D&D General An Iconic D&D Villain Features In Stranger Things’ New Seasom

    So the phylacteries free, or was there some kind of co-pay?
  16. Sonny

    D&D General An Iconic D&D Villain Features In Stranger Things’ New Seasom

    I really hope this villain isn't the exposition spouting kind. It's one of the things I liked about the other monsters from previous seasons. We didn't get a lot of concrete explanations about most things. Just hypotheses based off of their observations and encounters with creatures from the...
  17. Sonny

    D&D General Classic Gold Box D&D CRPGs coming to Steam

    They're on GOG as well. In addition to being DRM free, they come with the strategy guides too.
  18. Sonny

    RPG Crowdfunding News – DCC, Deadlands, Cthulhu, Zweihander, and more

    For Zwiehander, they're cleaning up the presentation and clarifying, or in a some cases, updating the rules. There's also a few new professions/spells/creatures in the box set. There's a Session Zero PDF that has the introduction and character creation rules from the starter set to download and...
  19. Sonny

    RuneScape: World's Oldest Free MMORPG Comes To Tabletop

    It's most definitely not the world's oldest MMO that's still running. Both Ultima Online and Everquest 1 are still going, and both started before 2000.
  20. Sonny

    D&D 5E Everything You Need To Know About Witchlight

    I'd really love it if one of the Domains of Delight has a similar theme to The Holiday House in the Thief of Always.