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  1. S

    D&D General The Greyhawk Pantheon: How Greyhawk Approaches Deities (& Demigods)

    The Rao which can be spoken is not the constant Rao.
  2. S

    D&D General The Greyhawk Pantheon: How Greyhawk Approaches Deities (& Demigods)

    Is this a beatnik thing? Anyway, I think the Greyhawk deities are great. I appreciate that: 1) There was a real effort to tie different groups of deities to different human ethnic groups, rather than have some kind of "universal pantheon." 2) They are - largely - original, and Gygax didn't try...
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    Campaign Inspired Art

    102. The Temple of Tejobih The reliquary of the demilich Idyam in Shûth 103. Andhakarah The chthonic goddess of darkness, who incarnated as Eadric's mother. A great bhiti. 104. The Submission of Carasch The demon acknowledges the authority of the Ahma 105. The Perfection of Shomei...
  4. 1729864212569.jpeg


  5. 1729864446682.jpeg


  6. 1729864586825.jpeg


  7. 1729864747382.jpeg


  8. 1729864868443.jpeg


  9. S

    Campaign Inspired Art

    97. The Marriage of Githla and Heedless The Nireem god Jaliere fuses the two swords for Ortwine 98. Yeqon is Dispatched by Shomei The fallen seraph is tasked with bringing Shomei's proposition to the Ahma 99. "You cannot trust her, Ahma." Shomei's appeal to Eadric 100. Nercamay...
  10. 1729862985120.jpeg


  11. 1729863162307.jpeg


  12. 1729863278594.jpeg


  13. 1729863649799.jpeg


  14. 1729863802927.jpeg


  15. S

    Campaign Inspired Art

    96. Masques of Soneillon The Fruit in the Void As a Cheshnite Ugra or fierce protector, associated with dreams induced by kschiff Pseudochthonic Demon Child During her astral confinement by Mostin Malefic Aspect The Lotus of Death, which annihilated Eadric Trempan Peasant-Girl...
  16. 1729862044704.jpeg


  17. 1729862174736.jpeg


  18. 1729862466933.jpeg


  19. 1729862564598.jpeg


  20. S

    Campaign Inspired Art

    91. Queen Mazikreen Abyssal nobility; a succubus previously sworn to Graz'zt but enlisted by Soneillon 92. Ilistet, Herald of Azzagrat Another succubus enlisted by Soneillon after Graz'zt's imprisonment 93. Gibilrazen and the Palace of Luthe Prince Tagur's capital in the Vale of...