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  1. Z

    ZEITGEIST One-shots for Zeitgeist

    I've done two side stories with my players which have generally been well received. The first was back in adventure 7 and the some people wanted to go back into the ruined Cauldron hill facility suspecting there was still some problems there. I used some hags, undead and some which oil golems...
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    ZEITGEIST The PCs want to go to Av during chapter 10...

    My group is nearing adventure 11 and I've been putting a lot of thought into how to do the Gyre bit. I'm not sure that doing it as written is going to be great for my table - the back and forth transitioning may leave one of my players confused and make focusing difficult. One way I've been...
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    ZEITGEIST Jiesse, City of Brass, Salamanders (Zeitgeist Spoilers)

    I'm trying to figure this one out and I don't see it thoroughly explained in adventure 10 that is coherent with the rest of the narrative. Adventure 10 informs us that Jiesse was once part of the elemental plane of fire, but the Ancients found a way to essentially cut it off from the plane of...
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    ZEITGEIST Surviving Dragon Tyrants

    I put a small rumor in my game about a former dragon tyrant ruling the slaver colony in Elfaivar.
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    ZEITGEIST Inexplicable Narration, indeed. (Spoilers)

    So, I just had to share this. The Logos in my party has used this ability to... tremendous success throughout the campaign. During adventure 6, during the train building he used the ability to help his side win; conveniently, it turned out, they always found a random shack just out of view...
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    ZEITGEIST Does anybody have any Pregens?

    Are you planning on having the king die in the first adventure? The first adventure really does a great job spearheading the main plot and has connections further down. Im in the camp thinking you may want to let your players create their characters. And absolutely don't use the Bonds of Forced...
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    Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Barbarian and Monk

    Not entirely. I think that they are beginning to realize that a lot of players want versatility. Many players play their 'Sorcadins' and whatnot because they like having the blend; it's a very popular trope and is thematically cool. Warlocks and Hexblades are played by a lot of people because of...
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    ZEITGEIST [Spoilers] 5e version of Sabotage encounter in Island of the Axis of the World

    I have not ran this in 5th edition. But I have a good grasp on the system. If I recall, this starts the PC's at 3rd level, and theyve had one combat before this, possibly a second one. You can absolutely add magma mephits to the encounter. For a first session, this will seem like a "boss"...
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    ZEITGEIST Elfaivar , the Colonies and Royal rule(No Spoilers revealed)

    Oh, I have arguments for the candidate, and had I not then I would haven't implemented the restrictions, either. The restrictions are meant to go two-ways: to make some players who haven't played as well not feel like they didn't do their best, and keeps certain narrative threads and character...
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    ZEITGEIST On the Lance of Triegenes (Spoilers)

    I'm running it in 5th edition, and have been hand converting it all. Nicodemus was a monster. Theres some slight power gaming in some case, but buffed up he had 500hp and 27 AC. The players were freaking out but pulled through with some brilliant play and manueveriing
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    ZEITGEIST On the Lance of Triegenes (Spoilers)

    My party just finished adventure 8. That final encounter was a tremendous amount of fun. I decided to make it more engaging for my players - take a look!
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    ZEITGEIST Elfaivar , the Colonies and Royal rule(No Spoilers revealed)

    I can't recall exactly where I came up with it, or where it comes from if it's in the books. I won't let any Deva become King - from the earliest days, Stanfield wasn't allowed to wear the crown for this very reason. Is immortality somehow prevented his kingship. Second, somewhere, I think...
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    ZEITGEIST Deities, or the lack of

    I took the list from Adventure 11, and ascribed names to them all. Only one of my characters had any religious background, so their relative silence in the world worked pretty well for me as a DM who really didn't want to dig too deep into it.
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    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Bonds of Forced Faith tonight

    Sorry to hear it didn't go so well. My group - sort of the same deal as yours, actually - never finished BoFF. It's a pretty challenging module to run, looking back at it, it requires a lot more normal DM work than usual for Zeitgeist. That said, I hope it's enough to spark interest in things...