Perhaps I am just blind, but is it just me or are there no stat blocks for all the NPCs in the book? I am going to be running this on Roll20 starting this weekend and was working on prep today by trying to create all the various enemy character sheets/npc character sheets and got stopped in my...
I have used CC3 and found it to be horrid, overpriced shovelware. It has a UI from the Windows 3.1 days and the quality of the maps it makes is pretty poor. I now use Gimp and tiles I find on sites like Dundjinni, as well as tile sets I have purchased from Roll20 to make my maps.
So I am curious how you ran the second adventure at Ambergul estate. My party is just about to head that way. Are you using the monster stats from the adventure guide, or from the MM? I ask because Alicia Ambergul looks like a total TPK if the party engages in combat, even with the adventure...
I keep seeing all this praise for how powerful sleep is, but I just don't see it. From my experience in play the HP totals that get rolled are quite low and the monster math being used is balancing monsters not by giving insane AC but rather by bumping HPs. So for Lost Mines we had a Wizard...
I actually just started running my group through this two weeks ago. So far the encounters are very out of whack with the finalized monster math. Some monsters in the playtest that were say a CR equivalent of 1/4 are now CR 1 in the final DM guide that was published recently. I have had to...
On the wizard schools, is there a transmutation school, and if so what are the abilities, and likewise how about abjuration? I am hoping one of the spell schools will let me be a "melee" wizard without needing to be an eldritch knight.