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  1. M

    Lost-Eberron-4E Style

    Theren elf Ranger THEREN, level 1 Elf, Ranger Build: Archer Ranger Fighting Style: Archer Fighting Style FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 13, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10. Starting Ability Scores Str 13, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10. AC: 17 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 13 HP: 25...
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    Lost-Eberron-4E Style

    I absolutely love this concept!! I'm thinking human ranger from the time of the lycan purge, or perhaps a changeling (doppleganger) saboteur (or counter-agent) from the last war preparing to destroy (or prevent the destruction of) Sharn's Crystal Tower. I'll have something up by this weekend.
  3. M

    Abilities for a resourcful Warlord

    So I've made a resourcful warlord with 16s in str, int, and cha (tiefling), and a halberd (total +5 to hit, I liberally use commander's strike) and I'm wondering what is the best way to go about leveling him up, should I pump my points into int and cha and neglect str, or pump str and alternate...
  4. M

    Walking Wounded Daily Power Question

    I would have to say no, when in doubt read the ruling as literal.
  5. M


    Simplist answer: DMG pg 42. Match level to DC, I'd set it at hard since there are powers that accopmlish what your player wants to do for free. Success: Action resolves, Fail: Player provokes OA with -2 to AC but succeeds, fail by 5 or more: Player provokes OA and remains in square (possibly...
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    Charisma based feat

    And those are the only options? Poop, I thought there was a feat that did that:(
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    Charisma based feat

    I saw somewhere that there was a feat that allowed a d-born to use charisma for hp rather than con. is that true and where is that feat?
  8. M

    Ranged combat, or the lack of....

    Happy to help, in fact a good 80-90% of my gaming ideas come from video games :p
  9. M

    RIP Take 20... Hello, Take 18!

    IIRC you can't take 10 on an aid another check
  10. M

    Minions - do you tell players who are minions and who are not in-game?

    I usually describe a basic ineptness and lack of confidence concerning minions i.e. the tiefling eyes you warily and cautiously advances towards you while has allies shift uneasily and (or excitedly rush at you)
  11. M

    Ranged combat, or the lack of....

    I've always been a fan of the God of War style of boss fighting where the first portion of the combat if finding a way to make it possible to attack/damage your enemy, and then you can actually pound away at them. design your encounter around the terrain your in. Are you in a ruin or possiblly...
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    I ran into a similar situation in my game...kinda. What I did was make the raisingof the army a major quest about 2 levels higher than what the PC's were. Then in the climactic battle prior to the completion of said quest they overthrew an evil warlord who conveniantly happened to have a...
  13. M

    Quick questions on light sources

    I don't have the books in front of me but light source radius is pretty much explained in the PHB and DMG, except that the radius is given in squares and not feet. There is no shadowy illumination, and light sources are either bright or dim. Low-light does not double the light source range...
  14. M

    Feat Pre-reqs and retraining

    Ok, so I want to make a cleric that has plate armor I know I need to take splint mail feat before I take plate and this is where the question lies: Can I retrain out splint feat for plate feat or will that cause me to lose the pre-req for plate (trianing in splint)? I would think I would lose...
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    Fighter combat superiority question

    That's what I thought, thanks for the clarification. However, does it still stop movement?
  16. M

    Fighter combat superiority question

    When a marked enemy moves or attacks someone other than the fighter, the fighter maked an immediate interrupt basic attack. Am I correct in assuming this is not the same as an opportunity attack and therefore only made once per turn and does not receive the wis bonus to hit that an OA gets...
  17. M

    [Recruiting (CLOSED)]Heroes of the Middle Reaches[4E : Wandering Star]

    I'm still in. I may be moving in about a week or so and might fall off the grid for a day or two, but for themost part I'm still in
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    [Recruiting (CLOSED)]Heroes of the Middle Reaches[4E : Wandering Star]

    Forgotten Dwarf Warlock (Infernal Pact) Ardon Shieldbreaker grew up as most dwarves in Coopershold, listening to tales of honor and valor as his dwarven ancestors reclaimed Coopershold from the monstrosities that poured forth from the Borehole and displaced the dwarves for a year. Ask any...
  19. M

    Stalker0's Obsidian Skill Challenge System (Update: Version 1.1) Now with PDF!!

    So it seems as if there is no "aid other" actions in this new system. I can kind of see the point (it is too important to get thso e victories to waste time helping someone succeed on theirs", but what if someone wanted to succeed on a simple DC 10 to give some one else a +2 just to make sure...