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  1. Child of Hypnos

    D&D 3E/3.5 help needed to create a Legacy Weapon for Age of Worms (D&D 3.5)

    Hello all, I haven't posted on here for quite a time, so apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I'm intending to run an Age of Worms campaign for my group starting in september. As in the past I've had difficulty getting them to become attached to their characters, we have started character...
  2. Child of Hypnos

    Best race for a bard?

    Everybody always thinks of Half-orcs for a low Charisma characters! If you really want something nobody expects go for a Dwarf Saxophonist. (or for something really outlandish a dwarf harp/lyre player!)
  3. Child of Hypnos


    You might consider the Fiendbinder from Tome of Magic.... Where's that from? not heard of it before.
  4. Child of Hypnos

    Lichfiend CR

    It was kinda inspired by an old Sinbad movie (the ones with plasticine monsters... I think it was eye of the Tiger, but not certain...), there's a fight and Sinbad impales BBEG through chest with his sword, and the bloke just laughs at him. All this results in a quest to find and destroy the...
  5. Child of Hypnos

    Cheap sneak attack items?

    now that IS sneaky! I bow before a master!
  6. Child of Hypnos

    Cheap sneak attack items?

    Im not sure that there are any items that'll let you deny an opponent dex bonus to AC directly. Id recoment combat expertise, improved feint and a maxed bluff skill, then get items that boost charisma/bluff... I'm aware thats probably not what your lookin for though. otherwise just keep stocked...
  7. Child of Hypnos

    Making a different kind of wizard

    I keep being tempted to try building a wizard specialising in sleep and dream spells. take the Oneiromancy feats from Heroes of Horror, and/or some of the Dreamtouched feats from Secrets of Sarlona. Aim for the nightmarespinner PrC in Comp Mage. This may not (probably wont!) appeal to anyone...
  8. Child of Hypnos

    druid/rogue PrCs?

    Its horribly efficient with improved feint and a good bluff skill...
  9. Child of Hypnos

    Living Lich?

    the talk of desecrate and corpsecrafter on the 'lichfiend CR' thread made me wonder, when turning oneself into a lich, does the individual make his Phylactery and then kill himself, instantly becoming an undead creature, or does he make his phylactery and then wait to die of natural causes/be...
  10. Child of Hypnos

    Lichfiend CR

    Sorry shouldnt Threadjack. I'll ask elsewhere.
  11. Child of Hypnos

    druid/rogue PrCs?

    AAAAAAAAaRRRRRRrrgggggggggHHhh! now thats a scary thought! Not sure he'll be keen we've had some bad experiences with ninjas before now!
  12. Child of Hypnos

    Lichfiend CR

    the talk of desecrate and corpsecrafter made me wonder, when turning oneself into a lich, does the individual make his Phylactery and then kill himself, instantly becoming an undead creature, or does he make his phylactery and then wait to die of natural causes/be killed, and then continue as an...
  13. Child of Hypnos

    druid/rogue PrCs?

    Thanks guys, im tryin to help a friend build a campaign setting, the core of which is a magocratic city in which all other caster types are illegal. consequently there's an underground of druid freedomfighters. given they've got to keep out of sight / low profile we figured some rogue-ness would...
  14. Child of Hypnos

    Lichfiend CR

    its not a CR+0 level adjustment, its the same level adjustment as the standard lich template. The listed CR adjustment is in attition to the normal CR adjustment for the template, not insead of it. Hope that helps.
  15. Child of Hypnos

    Beguiler Assistance

    but if you take it, you can feint as a swift action...
  16. Child of Hypnos

    druid/rogue PrCs?

    Hi all. not been on here in an eon, so if i've posted in the wrong forum please bear with me! I'm looking for suggestions for PrCs that are Druid/Rogue hybrids. essentially what im looking for is a sneaky druid. Kinda hardline Ecowarrior, not the heavy hitting of a normal druid, a bit more hit...
  17. Child of Hypnos

    PC Balance?! and other ?'s

    let him pickpocket a Planar scholar (from manual of planes) in street and tell him hes been sucked into the scholars pocket plane. let him fret about getting out, then have the Scholar appear and tell him he'll only let him out if... (queue random quest) make 'em write their wishes down - even...
  18. Child of Hypnos

    God of Happiness

    now thats my kinda character :) Not all the defenses against the horrors are greedy sociopaths, some are vengance driven psychotics instead :p
  19. Child of Hypnos

    Alignment Question on a tricky char : ( Marv from Sincity)

    He's NE He's evil 1. he tortures people 2. gives 'em false hope then kills em 3. 'I dont know about you but im havin a ball' and he's Neutral coz he has a code of honour but no respect for the 'law'
  20. Child of Hypnos


    ive just bought this series of books, and eventually i'll get round to reading them, once ive finished Elric of Melinbone which ive been telling myself i had to get round to. sadly even thats gonna be a long way off coz ive got a load of Herodotus, Plato and Thucydides to read for Uni first and...