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  1. Dragonhelm

    D&D (2024) Githzerai Psion? Thri-kreen Psion? Where's My Psion?

    Well now that just makes sense! I thought the goal was to overthink things and not use simple obvious solutions. ;) Seriously, though, that's a good, simple solution.
  2. Dragonhelm

    D&D (2024) Githzerai Psion? Thri-kreen Psion? Where's My Psion?

    The new Monster Manual has a githzerai psion and a thri-kreen psion, both of whom are Int-based casters. I'm really glad to see the old psion name in use again. But I have to ask... Where the hell is my psion class or subclass?!? I get it, the aberrant mind is supposed to be the psion...
  3. Dragonhelm

    D&D (2024) I have a Monster Manual. AMA!

    Are sidekicks included?
  4. Dragonhelm

    D&D (2024) I have a Monster Manual. AMA!

    What sort of stat blocks do they have for the thri-kreen?
  5. Dragonhelm

    D&D (2024) Dungeons & Dragons 2025 Monster Manuals show up in the wild.

    I would be curious to know what thri-kreen options are in the book.
  6. Dragonhelm

    D&D Forums and Spam Threads

    I just reported a bunch of spam threads. A lot are about Expedia or refunds (or both!).
  7. PZO22004-HC.png


  8. Dragonhelm

    Starfinder Galaxy Guide

    I noticed that there's a new Galaxy Guide coming out in April. I kind of wonder if it will replace the Pact Worlds and Near Space books. Does anyone know anything about it beyond what is in the product description?
  9. Dragonhelm

    D&D (2024) What's Your 2026 WotC D&D Wishlist?

    I would like to see the following. Dragonlance Dark Sun Campaign Guide Al-Qadim Gamma World (in the style of the last one!) Nentir Vale adventure and gazetteer Mystara Campaign Guide and adventure, perhaps with a Princess Ark tie-in Neverwinter sourcebook/adventure Magic: the Gathering...
  10. Dragonhelm

    The Gith Are Now Aberrations in Dungeons & Dragons

    Beginning in 4e, it was said that psionics was the material plane's response to the incursion of the Far Realm. Kind of like an antibody.
  11. Dragonhelm

    The Gith Are Now Aberrations in Dungeons & Dragons

    AGREED! I can see it as one possible origin (GOO warlock), but the aberrant mind should be more generic, IMO. I still like psionics to have a connection with crystals. Or someone mentioned Jedi.
  12. Dragonhelm

    So Much Art From the 2025 Monster Manual

    Soth is also infamous in Ravenloft. See the Terror of Lord Soth novels for some great reading. When I think of death knights, Lord Soth is the first to come to mind. He is the iconic death knight. I see where you're coming from, though. You make a good point.
  13. Dragonhelm

    So Much Art From the 2025 Monster Manual

    This is absolutely awful. It reminds me of rotoscope or early CG animation. The death knight of the 2014 Monster Manual was Lord Soth, the most iconic death knight in all of D&D. The art was gorgeous. They didn't need to re-do the art because the existing art was gorgeous.
  14. Dragonhelm

    Mainstream News Discovers D&D's Species Terminology Change

    Star Trek: TNG used race for different peoples from different planets.
  15. Dragonhelm

    Mainstream News Discovers D&D's Species Terminology Change

    Every time I think of ancestry, I think of genealogy, particularly with Other terms I've heard are kindred, lineages, and heritages. The last two just don't gel with me. My rule of thumb is that whatever term is used needs to replace "race" or "racial" in a sentence. My only...
  16. Dragonhelm

    D&D General Brain Fart - Battle Master Maneuvers Used to Create Archetypes?

    I'm having a brain fart. Maybe you guys can help me. In some D&D book (possibly third party), there is a section on taking some battle master fighter maneuvers and combining them with skills, feats, etc. to create archetypes. I want to say one is a gladiator.I thought it was in Tasha's or...
  17. Dragonhelm

    D&D General Dark Sun as a Hopepunk Setting

    I ran Dark Sun for about 2-3 sessions back in the day, but ended it. I think my big problem with the setting was that there was no room for heroes. My group was partially comprised of former gladiator slaves. One of the player characters became a general of escaped muls, half-giants...
  18. Dragonhelm

    D&D General D&D is ruined forever! (humor)

    Tracy Hickman. Because who needs story in their games, right? ;) (For the record, I love what Tracy Hickman has done for the hobby.) -------------------- Also, any and all campaign settings. Greyhawk - Too basic Forgotten Realms - Too detailed Dragonlance - Too railroady Taladas - Not...