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  1. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Tips for new GMs

    Very cool. Thanks, its very helpful.
  2. OsirisDawnEU

    There's A Diablo TTRPG (and boardgame) Coming!

    I recommend Last Epoch. Its super great.
  3. OsirisDawnEU

    There's A Diablo TTRPG (and boardgame) Coming!

    Good to hear. If its not part of a paid expansion it might spark my interest in D4 again. I dont hate Blizzard, but they really dropped the ball on this game big time IMHO. Thanks for the Info, i am not following D4 anymore so its new News for me.
  4. OsirisDawnEU

    There's A Diablo TTRPG (and boardgame) Coming!

    I would assume those are themes not mechanics, but we will see. Cant wait to loot a sword that has +1 to lightning damage on a moonlit night under rain on a thursday. It only works onlightning damage tho, not electricity. Thats the other sword. And only works in bright daylight while walking...
  5. OsirisDawnEU

    There's A Diablo TTRPG (and boardgame) Coming!

    The system is an original system, and will use mechanics inspired by Diablo IV. Those mechanics are a trainwreck. Very curious how they think they can make them work in a TTRPG environment.
  6. OsirisDawnEU

    What's OLD is NEW Starter Box Is Here! Back This Fantasy/Modern/Sci-fi TTRPG With An Open License!

    No, we did a NOW one shot and a NEW campaign last year. I do have a OLD campaign idea, but its not ready for play yet. No need to hurry, we are playing Savage Worlds Pathfinder right now and this will take us awhile. That Rise of the Runelords campaign is huge.
  7. OsirisDawnEU

    RPG Crowdfunding News – The Story Engine, Longshot City, Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes, and more

    Nice stuff there. I think the Savage Worlds 20th Anniversary Kickstarter is worth a mention too. I mean, its the 20th Anniversary and also a very good deal if you like to try it.
  8. OsirisDawnEU

    D&D General here's how to stop jealousy in between lucky players and unlucky ones

    To reduce jealousy maybe give one 18, one 16 and roll the rest randomly. makes sure your main stats are covered, but gives some variance where it doesnt hurt (that much). Just my 2c.
  9. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Wealth Rewards

    I was thinking of my campaign were gold is rare, but by RAW its gold, you are right. I am going by Rank squared: R1 1gp worth of loot R2 4gp R3 9gp R4 16gp R5 25gp and so on
  10. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Wealth Rewards

    I assign a silver value to the Rank of adversaries and drop valuables in that ballpark, either direct after the encounter or as found stash somewhere else in the adventure. So lets say my group encounters 5 thugs (Rank 5). Thugs are on the lower end of wealth so i decided Thugs are worth 5...
  11. OsirisDawnEU

    What's OLD is NEW Starter Box Is Here! Back This Fantasy/Modern/Sci-fi TTRPG With An Open License!

    Backed. And whats even better: I can get my dirty tendri ... hands on a hard cover of O.L.D. ! Thanks so much!
  12. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Meet the Grey Fellowship

    Create Poison is strange. Takes 5 minutes and becomes useless after 5 more.... sounds not all that usefull. Wonder whats the thought behind that. I would have added " ... becomes useless after 5 minutes, after being applied to food or drink." But thats just me. :giggle: Every thing else looks...
  13. OsirisDawnEU

    Tales of the Valiant Joins The $1M Crowdfunding Club!

    Aw. Wanted to back this but came in a day late. Darn distractions ...
  14. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Let's Have A Closer Look At The WOIN Starter Set Contents!

    "The boxed set comes with a 68-page softcover rulebook, ..." vs. "A 60-Page Rulebook" ?? I guess the first one is right. Anyway. Very curious how you put all those stuff into 68 pages. Will be backing for sure.
  15. OsirisDawnEU

    See you at UK Games Expo?

    Your Split the Horde link returns a 404 error on Backerkit.
  16. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Any updates on new products?

    Best of luck. For complete selfish reasons. 😉
  17. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN Any updates on new products?

    Wasnt there a Beastiary in the making at some point? I thought i had read about it. Is that still coming out at some point?
  18. OsirisDawnEU

    Pathfinder 2E What Are The Changes In Pathfinder Remastered?

    Oh. I was just about to hit the buy button on 2E, but now i wont. I like the planed changes very much. Glad i didnt buy yet or i would have been ... less than happy. So back to WOIN and Savage Worlds for now.
  19. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN [NEW] Question about customizing armor

    The Environmental Suit (pg. 111 NEW) protects against quite a bit, but has no specific SOAK at all. So the specific SOAK cant be the only meassure?
  20. OsirisDawnEU

    WOIN [NEW] Question about customizing armor

    @TheHirumaChico These are great suggestions, thank you! I do have NOW somewhere on my drive, i will take a look. I would still like to know if that missing "+" is just an oversight in NEW.