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  1. Emirikol_Prime

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E's African-inspired Sourcebook

    I wish they'd do a simultaneous release for 1E too. Love Golarion but not at all fond of 2E.
  2. Emirikol_Prime

    D&D 5E WotC's Kate Welch Hints at Celebrity-Written 2020 Adventure Book

    Deborah Ann Woll is a toptier DM for sure. She's magical. Marisha seems like more of a celeb pick, but perhaps she surprises us?
  3. Emirikol_Prime

    WotC Baldur's Gate III Announced; Powered by D&D 5E

    It's set in Baldur's Gate. The name is perfect.
  4. Emirikol_Prime

    Rocket Age: Retro Sci-fi In Space For D&D

    Super interesting concept and I just backed happily, but I hope that's not the final cover art.
  5. Emirikol_Prime

    Shadowrun Sixth World Beginner Box Review

    Very helpful informative review. Looks like this will be the first edition I invest money and time into since 3E.
  6. Emirikol_Prime

    Paizo To Make Kingmaker Bestiary... For D&D 5E!

    This. It's an amazing and quite overlooked sci-fi take on 5E.
  7. Emirikol_Prime

    WotC New WotC Game Studio Headed By Bioware's James Ohlen

    I'm hyped no matter what. Especially a new IP from Wizards. That's amazing!
  8. Emirikol_Prime

    A Look At The D&D Acquisitions Inc. Book

    This looks like an easy skip.
  9. Emirikol_Prime

    Esper Genesis: Sci-Fantasy for 5E

    Amazing book that I'm always surprised gets like zero attention. The best hardcover to come out for 5E beyond the core books.
  10. Emirikol_Prime

    D&D 5E Do Cleric/Druid players just ignore a large portion of their spells list?

    Huh. I swap my spells on casters all the time. Makes for far more interesting Adventures.
  11. Emirikol_Prime

    It's a Drizzt! "Timeless" - New Drizzt Do'Urden Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore

    Tell me how going from complete control of your novel line to this current situation is not really. ::popcorn::
  12. Emirikol_Prime

    It's a Drizzt! "Timeless" - New Drizzt Do'Urden Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore

    Obviously I meant besides the Drizzt books that we know about. There used to be a steady flow ofbooks. That is done. Ask WotC why. Not me.
  13. Emirikol_Prime

    It's a Drizzt! "Timeless" - New Drizzt Do'Urden Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore

    Ask WotC why there are no more novels scheduled. Not me.
  14. Emirikol_Prime

    It's a Drizzt! "Timeless" - New Drizzt Do'Urden Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore

    So I guess this didn't herald the return of WotC novels as I had hoped.
  15. Emirikol_Prime

    Pathfinder 2's Proficiency System Explored

    Over complicated and well overdesigned.
  16. Emirikol_Prime

    How Pathfinder 2's Resonance Reduces Wand-Spamming; & Comparisons to 5E Discussed

    I can already for see Resonance being walked back or replaced.
  17. Emirikol_Prime

    Pathfinder 2E Paizo Announces Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

    Except Logan pretty much disagrees with that.