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  1. Espadadelaaurora

    Edgerunners Mission Kit Dips A Chrome Toe Into the World of Cyberpunk 2077

    A really neat product, not only a great starting point for new players, but a very useful supplement for those who want to advance the timeline of Cyberpunk Red to 2077.
  2. Espadadelaaurora

    The Plight of Owen KC Stephens and the Quest to Help Him

    Already contributed, loved his work on the Star Wars rpg, a very talented writer. Hope he gets well soon.
  3. Espadadelaaurora

    D&D 5E Meet the Japanese Iconic D&D Party!

    Love de artwork, hope to see more of this in One D&D.
  4. Espadadelaaurora

    D&D General WotC needs to bring back Boxed Sets - pic heavy

    Our gaming group still makes heavy use of those boxed sets, a shame WotC hasn't updated all that content. Personally now I prefer the slipcase format (it sits better on the shelf 😅 and the hardcovers are more durable). Only that in the case of Spelljammer 5e the page and word count should be...
  5. Espadadelaaurora

    Cyberpunk Red: Black Chrome Is A Modern Classic Gear Book

    The new Chromebook maintains the spirit of the classic line with a much needed modern outlook. A great purchase for sure!
  6. Espadadelaaurora

    2022: The Year’s Cyberpunk Tabletop RPG Downloads Part Two – Traditional Releases

    A good year for cyberpunk themed rpg's, happy to see the genere receive so much love lately.
  7. Espadadelaaurora

    Cyberpunk Edgerunners Mission Kit Announced

    In 2020 and 2077, not so much during the Time of the Red, Megacorps enjoy a great deal of extraterritoriality fot their installations and personal. In the height of their power they were virtually their own states.
  8. Espadadelaaurora

    Cyberpunk Edgerunners Mission Kit Announced

    In 2020 and 2077, not so much during the Time of the Red, Megacorps enjoy a great deal of extraterritoriality fot their installations and personal. In the height of their power they were virtually their own states.
  9. Espadadelaaurora

    Cyberpunk Edgerunners Mission Kit Announced

    R. Talsorian still has some Red supplements in the pipeline, so I guess The Edgerunners Mission Kit will take some time to be released. I'm really happy with the Time of the Red setting, but I cannot get enough Cyberpunk goodies. Really curious to see how the 2077 tech plays with the Cyberpunk...
  10. Espadadelaaurora

    A Review of Tales Of The Red: Street Stories

    The fifth adventure Haven't Got a Stitch to Wear, is quite interesting as it shows the difficulties of the supply chain in the Time of the Red.
  11. Espadadelaaurora

    D&D Movie/TV Check Out The D&D Movie's Cast -- In Costume!

    The Druid has a slingshot!? Really? We didn't learnt anything from Rebels?
  12. Espadadelaaurora

    Blade Runner: The Next Million Dollar Kickstarter?

    New stretch goals added!
  13. Espadadelaaurora

    Spelljammer Spelljammer Collector’s Guide Revisited

    Wow, impressive work. Thanks for the awesome article.
  14. Espadadelaaurora

    Check Out These Bladerunner RPG Previews

    Free League really knows how to lay out beautiful books.
  15. Espadadelaaurora

    D&D Movie/TV Honor Among Thieves: The New D&D Movie Officially Announced

    Don't like the world "thieves" in the title, very bad connotations. Much rather like "Rogues".
  16. Espadadelaaurora

    A Look Inside The Marvel Multiverse RPG Playtest Edition

    Our gaming group talked about this game the other day. Although we are all avid Marvel fans we don't feel like learning yet another game system (it would be the fifth!). Anyway your review has picked my curiosity, I will keep and eye on the game development and maybe this new version will grow...
  17. Espadadelaaurora

    D&D 5E Changes to D&D's Spellcasting Monsters: Streamlining Your Way To Bliss

    I know that it's for easy of play, but spells are IMHO one of the funniest part of the game. I'll miss them in monster stats. Hope this is just an option that don't rule out spells in stats blocks.
  18. Espadadelaaurora

    Nominate your MOST ANTICIPATED RPG of 2022

    I've got my eye set on the Blade Runner rpg by Free League.
  19. Espadadelaaurora

    Roll20's Latest Usage Report: D&D Steady, Cthulhu Down!

    A bit disappointed of seeing Cyberpunk and Alien in a low position.
  20. Espadadelaaurora

    Top 5 Tabletop RPGs Spring 2021: Cyberpunk Gains!

    Really happy to see Cyberpunk and Aliens (my personal favorites) receive so much love and attention.