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    Into the Mother Lands: A Sci-fi RPG by PoC Designers

    So is tghis another swordfall?
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    D&D 5E Ravenloft Previews of Dementlieu, Lamordia, and Har'Akir

    shouldn't locals avoid these places like the plöage like locals avoiding strahds castle because of the ones that do don't come back?
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    D&D 5E Ravenloft Previews of Dementlieu, Lamordia, and Har'Akir

    isn|t it was jsut taken from an other place as it is Ravenloft is supposed to be a twisted patchwork domain
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    Thinking of Joining Roll20? Lock In Your Sub Now!

    Starting to but not all of my players are convinced
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    Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #16: Combat Maneuvers

    so a O5e pc is on an *more or less( equal capability level to A5e and both can play in the same group without the O5e feeling underpowered
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    Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #16: Combat Maneuvers

    So How will this impact the Mosnter the Cr 1/4 or Cr 2 Carian crawler? how about legendaries? This should not widen the power gap between pcs and monsters to much to ensure that cobat is still challenging I hope this will not slow down combat. So there should be templates to dive monsters...
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    so lesser god is cr 30 out side of there domain so what is a greater god? and will the book have roles for divine assertion
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    So if PC reach level 30 they can challenge lesser gods what are the Cr of gods ? if the avatar of a lesser god-like Tiamat is cr 30
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    maby it is just me that any levle 13+ game seams to be a mess to run fun but a total mess
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    no some of my veteran players mentioned this as a concept from older editions since pc at that level are on the age of balance and world bending power
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    what happened to epic level 6 games where after level 6 you stop leveling and just gain new boons and skills like the one in tarsha?
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    it is cool to ready just wonder how much paly this sees I support always more books coming out and I'm intrigued myself just hope this past lvl 20 is not a mess in campaign play
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    D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

    cool book but how many people will run it regarding how hard even lvl 15 games are to run how many actually 1 to 20 campaigns are there percent wise how much time do you spend playing level 18-20 compared to 5-7
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    Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #13: Cleric

    ok this is good because most none planar things would make little sense so having it restricted to extreme cases like angels devils and so on is good. But for homebrew games that do not focus on having planes concept based on the for example just make good and evil meaningless like in a game...
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    Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #13: Cleric

    I just dislike the "Turn Ideology" especially since this is recently more used as role play advice. So you use turn ideally in the king's courtroom and both the king and the advice are turned what does that tell you? well, this will lead to some lynchings based on turning! Any detect alignment...
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    News Digest for the Week of March 19

    is is just me or does the hobgoblin look like his piercing is touching his eye?
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    Blog (A5E) Level Up Monster Preview: Green Dragon

    is this dragon Breath chlorine? are there monster ecology Infos ?
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    Level Up (A5E) Level Up: An Art Preview

    No, the art is great for the most part 1-2 pies just don't appeal to me, but that is just my taste in art which is as we know is subjective but like it, for the most part, thee Aboleth from Kim Van Deun amazing art love it! Not bashing anything, I was really just worried about the Monster stat...
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    Level Up (A5E) Level Up: An Art Preview

    jup, love to get my hand on that book when it is done I mean you can never have enough versions of monsters especially lower-level ones! This is why I like Nord games "Revenge of the Horde" never can have enough different goblins makes combat interesting!
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    Level Up (A5E) Level Up: An Art Preview

    oh, I got that I just thought I had to explain it a bit more and since I can I`m very happy to make it easy to give my players more "leg" bricks to build their pcs with once the playtest is over.