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  1. W

    Landscape Character Sheets: P.E.A.C.H.

    Unfortunately, I am no longer playing 4E. I still, however, have this sheet! In fact, was just looking at it and was seeing if there was an update, I have other players who still use this sheet and were curious. I'm still in love with how nice it looks, if you guys ever decide to put out a...
  2. W

    Things I don't like about the 4E DMG - part 1 of 1000

    Thing is, I dont think its a fairly well written argument. Its ranting and raving, while he has a point there, he, IMO, completely takes any weight his point might carry and flushes it down the toilet by spewing out hateful and needless insults to Wyatt. If hateful speech is well written, all...
  3. W

    Things I don't like about the 4E DMG - part 1 of 1000

    Hmm I see absolutely nothing wrong with the example you quoted. Nothing. The DM is WELL within his rights to say the spell failed, hes the DM, he can do whatever he wants. Sure if he gets to draconic then no one will play with him, but the point is DM is king of the castle. On another note...
  4. W

    PHBII Classes Confirmed

    Just as long as the monk is in PHIII. Still sucks to have to wait that long for a monk though, as my DM is pretty against non-core stuff, so no APG or Song/Fist monks allowed.
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    Problem player in my group

    <derail> It was Han. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. </derail>
  6. W

    Monk a striker: Why? (Forked Thread: 3rd Party Poopers)

    This pretty much sums up all my arguments I was going to make. Note, I never said anyone was WRONG for saying a monk should be a striker, I just wanted reasons why they thought that way. In my mind, I just didnt see the monk as a striker. KM just about sums it up why. For what its worth, The...
  7. W

    Monk a striker: Why? (Forked Thread: 3rd Party Poopers)

    Forked from: 3rd Party Poopers (Emphasis mine) Why does everyone (ok not everyone obviously, but a good majority from my experience) seem to pigeon-hole the Monk into a Striker? Yes, that initially seems to be a good role for him, but honestly I want the 4e monk to be a defender/controller...
  8. W

    D&D III movie trailer

    Ok unless I fail at reading, I didnt see ANYONE mention what has the be the best part of this video: Where he goes to cross swords with Dr. Doom to defend his lady's honor, and decides "The hell with this!" and just punches him in the face. Classic. This is so bad its amazing, Ive watched it 3...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Gearing up for an Undead Assult

    Well, we cant buy ANYTHING we want, its obviously going to require our DMs permission, but we DO have the backing of the ruling government of the (2nd) largest nation in our homebrewed world. Not going into a recap of our campaign so far, but its a fair assessment that we helped them out big...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Gearing up for an Undead Assult

    Well, between our party funds, we have nearly 50,000g to spend. So its quite a bit of cash, but not quite near as much as I would like ;) So while we will be able to get a few things, we wont be able to totally strap up. The way my brain works tho, i just like to know everything out there, then...
  11. W

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Gearing up for an Undead Assult

    Well, i did plan on getting the greater truedeath crystal, which would let me crit and SA undead, but my main reason for getting keen was i wanted these daggers to be useful for not just this raid on the undead, but outside of this too. I figure with +2 keen, it will be more useful elsewhere...
  12. W

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Gearing up for an Undead Assult

    Thank you all for your suggestions. They have all been more than helpful :) Keep them coming, I like to be prepared, and am still new to the game as is, less than a year of experience under my belt, so don't assume I know of what might be common items to experienced players :) I had looked at...
  13. W

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Gearing up for an Undead Assult

    In my current campaign, we are currently in the process of planning to reclaim one of our party mate's ancient homeland, which is currently under the control of a LOT of undead. While we have the backing of an army, our groups is mostly going to be focused on small strikes on high priority...
  14. W


    (emphasis mine) Yes, yes I do. If you are implying they purposely gave out lending they knew was a bad idea, solely to get bail out money, all I have to say is wow. Just, wow. Because thats my interpretation of your post, This crisis is the worst the US has seen since the 1930s, and you are...
  15. W

    How about a deadline to WotC?

    As much as I would like to add something concrete to this thread, anything that I have to say about this issue has already been addressed at some point. So I would like to take this opportunity to state how much joy I got reading this whole discussion, just to see some of the crazy opinions that...
  16. W

    Who's on first? (Forked Thread: [WotC_Logan] Why is Tiamat Huge?)

    Totally valid point :) I was talking in generalities anyway. I also agree game design should influence the minis, not the other way around.
  17. W

    Who's on first? (Forked Thread: [WotC_Logan] Why is Tiamat Huge?)

    I have to disagree here. By purely personal standards, I think the smaller leader surrounded by much larger minions is WAY more intimidating. What did that little guy (or girl) have to do to get such LARGE creatures to follow them around? Like in BioShock, those Little Sisters are that much more...
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    Adding a werewolf template to an existing character, help please!

    Yes, this is what I meant. Sorry for not clarifying. And the example of the Japanese culture is exactly on the money from where I was coming from.
  19. W

    Adding a werewolf template to an existing character, help please!

    Yeesh! A lot of people in arms here. I intended to find out how the rules worked. I found out, and my DM and I decided to go another route. All I wanted to know was how - per RAW - to apply a werewolf template. How does that make this question in the wrong forum? How I ultimatly ended up...
  20. W

    Adding a werewolf template to an existing character, help please!

    Well agree to disagree then. My DM is fine with it, and in the end, thats all that matters. But then again, our group is generally more flexible with the rules. Thats the beauty of this game isnt it? Its easily adaptable to suit any given groups needs. Ok so I guess "easy" is a relative term ;)...