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  1. krillinfan

    Polygon: Indie TTRPG Companies are "sitting in their own little corners of the internet and wringing their hands"

    Quinns' reviews are always fantastic, been following him since SUSD's early days and when he moved over to reviewing TTRPGs I was over the moon. This Mothership review of his immediately made me pick up a copy, and that has happened a fair few more times than my wallet can be happy about.
  2. krillinfan

    Other Modes of RPG Play?

    Are there any games that focus on utilizing the benefits of asynchronous play? I think it'd be incredibly useful to break down the pros/cons of Asynchronous and try and smooth out some of the rough edges while highlighting the positives. My own experience is simply using DnD or whatever and...
  3. krillinfan

    D&D General Rethinking Charisma

    an idiot with a book of spells and the need/want to use them is the exact sort of character that I want at a table :)
  4. krillinfan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Discovering a secret like this would be amazing from a player perspective. Imagine you're just leveling your character as normal and your DM suddenly tells you that you've unlocked this whole side of your character that hadn't expected. For some this would feel bad because they hadn't built...
  5. krillinfan

    OSR White Box Cyclopedia crowdfund is live.

    I assume they meant KS, or kickstarter :D That said $30 for a hardcover is a reasonable deal, backed!
  6. krillinfan

    Gate Pass Gazette What’s In Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024?

    Exactly, if something doesn't crunch more than eating a bowl of lugnuts, why even bother :P
  7. krillinfan

    D&D General Rethinking Charisma

    I was very recently musing about moving Int to purely a modifier based stat, the issue with Int is that players seldom act like a character of massively higher or lower Int than their own, making a big non-mechanical disconnect for their characters, the same could/would be easily applied to Cha...
  8. krillinfan

    OOTS 1316: Reflection of a Reflection

    even Chaotic Evil Succubi can love!
  9. krillinfan

    Did the nerds win?

    No one hates they thing they love more than fans. It's maddening when people aren't able to form their thoughts into constructive criticism, which the vast vast majority of people aren't, so they're just left with a general "feeling" of what they don't like, which they then broadcast into the...
  10. krillinfan

    Dragon Reflections #87

    famous? I'll have to track it down :)
  11. krillinfan

    Black Flag Kobold Press Monster Vault 2 crowdfund project is live.

    Super exciting, love seeing new books :)
  12. krillinfan

    D&D General How Often Should a PC Die in D&D 5e?

    5e isn't super well made for a meatgrinder style of game, and it doesn't really encourage the DM in that direction. Older players seeking a more brutal game will have a lot better luck looking at other systems, and newer players (and DMs!) just won't have the same inkling to experience it...
  13. krillinfan

    Dungeons & Dragons Pinball Machine Announced

    I feel like most people with access still play, they're not easy to find but anyone with a quarter and a few minutes will enjoy hitting a ball and some flashing lights :D