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  1. G

    Soneillon. Part 2. (Updated 10/7)

    What can I say? This is Fantastic! Sep, if you write a book, can I get a sign from you and all your player? ;)
  2. G

    Epic PrC Idea for Eadric of Deorham Urgently Required

    Well, I was under impression that all Deities(inculding Quasi-Deity) have maximum hit points for each HD. It said so on P.26 of D&Dg, however, it then contradict itself with the example on Asgardian Monster on P.199. :confused: Perhaps its only a minor issues, but just to mention it anyway.
  3. G

    The Rape of Morne - Part 2 (Updated 2/26)

    *bow* Yeah, what can you ask for? Sep was doing us for free. Nobody does it like Sep. :D If this will be a book, what name would you call it?THESTORYOFAPALADINWIZARDDRUID&BARD'S EPICSTORY? :cool:
  4. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    :cool: I am a bit more curious on the view of this temptation of other player and Sep. Care to share some light on it? By the way, should we start a new thread just for Q&A? You know, scrolling a lot of page just to find the questions get tiresome sometimes. And perhaps it will lighter the...
  5. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    To Broccli_Head: Well, we are here to watch and everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is my personal desire that Ed *WILL* act that way. Surely, I must be corrupted to ask a paladin to fall for the temptation. ;) But I must admit I admire Nwm's view on this point. When mortals left the...
  6. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Well, after some thinking, I am hoping Ed will throw Oronthon away and to pursue after Nehael. Why? And... So, go! Ed, if you must choose. Look, I was corrupted...And are tempting Ed to go with me. ;) And finally a non game related quote.
  7. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    *Voluntarily giving up his saving throw* *Stunned and utterly specchless* :eek: *Head reeled and ask dumb question* What will be the name of the new thread? ;)
  8. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    If our all-mighty Sep indeed do start a new thread... Does it need a new name? What in your opinion is best suitable for it? My take: How about "The Vision of Oronthon"? Oh, by the way, Sep, Lombard and everybody of the game, you rock. :D
  9. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    :( I feel sorry to Eadric also. Poor Nehael... Our gentle old lady Soraine was dead, and Tahl the ever friend of Eadric, followed. And it just give me more reason and passion to support this story hour! May their soul rest in peace. Truly Demonic, if you ask me on how bad is the demons in...
  10. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    :D Yes! Thanks Lela. Damnit! I had spent at least an hours thinking how to praise Sep, I must failed a dozen will save in a row. But shall I be ashamed for it? None, I think I will take those defeat with honor. :cool: And who said Bard sucks now? ;)
  11. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    LOL. Is it a new epic rules I am unaware of? Or is it a d20 modern rules? Everytime Sep provide an update, every reader is entitled to make a praise of opportunity to honor Sep's great work. ;)
  12. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Agreed, it always worth the wait. :)
  13. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    An update! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! All hail Sep! :cool: Oh, being an outsider sometimes is not that fun... Once in a while, you got sent back to home without warning... :(
  14. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Ah! Passwall at will! How can I not caught that? :mad: Great story and update!I begin to doubt does even "WoW" done any justice to this story. But I have yet another question, how does you and Nwm's player(that's Dave, did I remember correctly?) view the spell Awaken ? Some would said that...
  15. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    I can certainly understand that, so I just have to hang around until the truth come out... ;) I myself respect the attitude of Shomei. "It is by painful experience I realize that the god is not always right. He does not help me when I am in dire need, and if this is a test of some kind, I...
  16. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Lela: Thanks for your warmly welcome. I always thought my english skill is not good enough. By the ways, I own this story hour a wow. so WoW! :) Actually, I know quite a number of people playing it. They are mostly native Hong Kong people.(Well, it is of course still relatively little, compare...
  17. G

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Well, let me start my introduction speech first: [ intro ] Hello, Sep and everybody who loved this story hour, I just finished off the entire story, and finally decided to end my lurker status just for it. [/ intro] Sep, I think others nearly used all the word I can say, sometimes even the...