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    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    +5 BAB means an extra iterative attack too, doesn't it?
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    ideas for building a dragon killing druid (needed for backstory)

    Thanks. There's a good few interesting and encouraging ideas to take away and digest. Tonight I'll look for magic items that will help with the mobility game, particularly those that will discourage any attempts to take to the air. According to the RSRD, Adult Black Dragon *is* CR11. Or am I...
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    ideas for building a dragon killing druid (needed for backstory)

    It's just cooler that way. The PC party will be a group of semi-independent characters who have worked together extensively. But the dragon-slaying I want to be a major event that took place while several PCs were building a village, where the game will presumably kick off. And I don't see...
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    ideas for building a dragon killing druid (needed for backstory)

    So I need a character for an upcoming high-ish level (10) 3.5e FR campaign, and decided to go with a druid. A druid that, shortly before the game begins, has gone and killed a dragon. What I want to know, is how. How does a 10th level druid single handedly dispatch a dragon that is ordinarily...
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    Immortality thru evil pact (Help needed)

    The baron has been doing this for quite a few years, right? So maybe he's unlikely to do anything that will obviously incriminate him and has got quite good at fooling his wives/mothers. But the complication that undoes him this time could be, like you said, the former Baron could already have...
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    What spell would you use for an unbreathable atmosphere?

    How about Iron Body? The recipient of this would still maybe need some acid protection, but it's an idea. It's also an idea good for visiting bad-aligned NPCs. Or something.
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    Attacking a low-level party

    I think I'm too late for this to be useful, buit I've had an idea. You're trying to work out how to deal with high level opponents who can scry the location of the party/meteor? Simple. Circumvent the problem. Just rule that the alien nature of the comet makes it impossible to scry. The NPC...
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    OK, this feat... Deconstruction (Ex): At 6th level, the Combat Miner gains the extraordinary ability to inflict critical hits upon objects. ..does it apply to constructs and/or undead? Which book is this in* - I've an interest in options for this type of character if I ever restart my...
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    Sagiro's Story Hour Returns (new thread started on 5/18/08)

    Re: name we do? Not the same way, surely?
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    Advancing a character

    Also get some ranks in concentration. If you want a fighting spellcaster, the ability to cast defensively (and not provoke AoO) is gold. Also consider expertise in the long term, as it might let you boost yr AC (although wise choices of 1st/2nd level spells will do that too) especially in...
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    What could cause an explosion big enough to wipe out a hamlet?

    fractals or grumpy faerie Ok, I know the sessions been played but I've got a couple of ideas for the map that might be interesting. One thing I've noticed is that the shape of the clearing looks a bit like a fractal. Maybe some seer was exploring mathematics with bizarre-o consequences. Or...
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    GenConUK to GenConEurope?

    I was actually there when PA etc. was announcing this at GenCon UK, so I'll weigh in with some insight. Probably. The idea, as far as I understand it is to have GenCon Europe is amsterdam for quite a while. It's well-placed for the big markets in France, Germany (and closer for Spain/Portugal...
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    I am Threadkiller

    So very naive. It's kind of touching, really..
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    Epic Level Adventure Ideas (Share Yours)

    This is kind of stolen from a book, but I won't mention the name. That way I don't spoil anything, but some of you may recognise the idea. It's mixed up with an idea from 40k a bit, too. um, and prattchett i suppose. So, your PCs get to 'epic' level. They might just have a lot of experience...
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    ideas for leveled magic items?

    I've thought a little about levelled items for my lapsed campaign, but don't have much general advice I could put into words. One trick you culd use is dormancy. One way to do this is with an intelligent item that reveals it's powers piecemeal, or perhaps slowly becomes more sentient. eg it...
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    [OT] WAY OFF TOPIC...math abuot some help please

    extra and from how the first line you've got looks, you might have been better off using the chain rule. Might. d(uv)/dx = vdu/dx + udv/dx or, more relevantly, d(u/v)/dx = 1/v^2 * (vdu/dx - udv/dx) Or it might help with similar problems.
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    [OT] WAY OFF TOPIC...math abuot some help please

    I'm not sure if you've specified where you're going with this, but getting between the two steps you've shown is easy. x^-n = 1 / x^n is true where the exponent, n, is a fraction or not. But I expect you know that. To see what to do, it's simplest (and saves space for me) to define a...
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    Hamburg gamers?

    Hi, I'm going to be spending a year (or more) in hamburg very soon, and was wondering if any english speaking* gaming groups read here. I can play, can DM if I have spare time to think and I'm great at stuff, honest. If you're with a gaming group in the area, please let me know. And...
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    ESDs and Uk/Europe distribution

    That makes sense. I wonder if wizards could license out their ESD distribution to a third party who wouldn't then have that problem. It's possible that the fact hasbro sold off their electronic games division might make that difficult in some way, though.
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    A question to my fellow Europeans

    & ESD distribution? Why didn't I see this earlier? I just started a thread on a similar thing. But with more semi-warranted speculation and talk of ESDs. I'm having trouble copying & pastig, so I'll just give the link.