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  1. Kromanjon

    How often do you play?

    I'd like to say monthly but all my friends live far away and we do miss some months due to scheduling difficulties so "a couple of times a year" it is.
  2. Kromanjon

    CMON to Publish 5E Books For Massive Darkness

    Playing 5e since the 80s IS quite the achievement you time wizard.
  3. Kromanjon

    + Writing Prompt: Evil Orcs

    Well. There sure have been some discussions about orc and whether they are evil or not and whether WotC can decide if they are evil or not and so on an so forth. One thing that most of us actually do agree on however is that anyone can play their game anyway they want and decide how they want...
  4. Kromanjon

    When did the "C" drop from CRPGs and when did "TT"RPG spring up?

    There need to be some kind of list of all different kinds of RPGs by this point. J - Japanese TT - Tabletop T - Tactical A - Action C - Computer What am I missing?
  5. Kromanjon

    Are Orcs in the Monster Manual? No and Yes.

    Newcomers won't know there are any changes at all since these books will be the baseline for them. On the other hand I don't think most people buying D&D in the 70s found those books problematic either. It's in hindsight that old material was seen to be problematic in relation to modern...
  6. Kromanjon

    Are Orcs in the Monster Manual? No and Yes.

    Although everyone has a right to their opinion I do feel this article has a very passive aggressive tone and is very dismissive of some people's thoughts and feelings. Especially wordings such as "would be culture warriors" sound very rude to me. That said I do agree that anyone can play D&D...
  7. Kromanjon

    Release Black Sword Hack scenario

    I've just released a new scenario for Black Sword Hack but it could easily be converted to any fantasy role-playing game. It's event and location based and allows the characters several venues to interact with it, investigating the world, interacting with NPCs and choosing sides in an on-going...
  8. Kromanjon

    D&D General Are You There D&D? It's Me, J.R.R. Tol-KEEEEN!

    Sadly it does not. You could call someone a liar by gut reaction or educated guesswork or any number of other reasons. I think what people are mostly reacting to is that Rowling has said she doesn´t read or even like fantasy as a genre. Pare that with the fact that she´s written one of the best...
  9. Kromanjon

    Evil Genius Games Attempts To Remove Bad Press [Update--And Then Adds Legal Threats!]

    This is complete madness. Please keep reporting on this. I’ve never been more invested in a story ever.
  10. Kromanjon

    D&D General Are You There D&D? It's Me, J.R.R. Tol-KEEEEN!

    Where we´re going, we don´t need no rails.
  11. Kromanjon

    D&D General Are You There D&D? It's Me, J.R.R. Tol-KEEEEN!

    They come naturally when teenagers play D&D. Those are called species now. Combat rules. Haven´t your read any of the "broken spellcaster" threads around here. You got me there. I can´t come up with a funny quip for that one. Whatever Snarf was trying to write, I´m still glad this thread...
  12. Kromanjon

    Evil Genius Games Attempts To Remove Bad Press [Update--And Then Adds Legal Threats!]

    I think they become "EGG bashing" when they report unconfirmed or untrue information. The rehashing done in the article is to put the new news in context to show this is something of a pattern when it comes to this person and company. Also I am not sure it matters if your polite while sweeping...
  13. Kromanjon

    For those who have embraced new systems/games, what was the deciding factor?

    I´ve always enjoyed exploring new systems. Since I started with this hobby I´ve probably played 20-30 different systems and read just as many that never got played. I´ve always had the motto that any system can be made fun to play with and so far I´ve only been proven wrong on one occasion...
  14. Kromanjon

    Did the nerds win?

    Very true, and my loathing of bullies is only eclipsed by those who where bullied and then chose to be bullies themselves when the opportunity was given.
  15. Kromanjon

    D&D 5E Can you hear the audible version of the Alarm spell if you are more than 60 feet away?

    Just to add to the discussion this is the "audible" part of the spell in the 3.5 rules: This seems to speak more for the can only be heard within the radius crowd but this version has a special mention of the sound traveling outside the area too.
  16. Kromanjon

    Did the nerds win?

    Yeah a lot of this question is very much up for interpretation. What is a "nerd"? What constitutes a "win"? What does "did" even mean? If something becomes mainstream is it still nerdy? When I asked the question it was kind of reactionary to me reading that people should stop complaining about...
  17. Kromanjon

    Presentation and Rules Are Different Things

    I just felt that a lot of things were described to the point of absurdity. Might just have been a feeling and I don´t have the book in front of me but sometimes it felt like it read something like this: "To succeed at a roll you have to reach the DC or above with the roll of a d20 plus any...
  18. Kromanjon

    Presentation and Rules Are Different Things

    Shadow of the Weird Wizard. Now I haven’t played it yet but I do like the rules in theory. However, the books are written like he got payed by the word. Just so many words telling me things that could probably be said with half as many.
  19. Kromanjon

    D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

    Some people are displaying nuance and some are not. This is in no way related to their opinions. Like I said, this is far from the topic right now but I do feel that you´re consistently using aggressive rhetoric that can easily be misinterpreted. You might state your opinion but you have often...
  20. Kromanjon

    D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

    You have my full agreement. Another problem is when people present their opinions ask facts and just assume people will understand that it´s just opinion. Like you said, nuance. It really is a lost artform, and as most of us are not mind readers in real life this goes double on the internet...