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  1. PvtTommyAtkins

    ENnies To Ban Generative AI From 2025

    This is the very concern I have with it. I have no talent for art, I wish I did. I can play around with AI and make something that is most people would say is objectively better than what I can draw with my own hands. The thing is though after playing around with AI you see the sameness of...
  2. PvtTommyAtkins

    Should Wizardry Require Player Intelligence?

    I don't think a player of a wizard requires intelligence- however it should require involvement. Regardless of system magic tends to be something that gets (at least) a chapter dedicated just to its own special mechanics. So the player should be familiar with those and know all the fiddily bits...
  3. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Rethinking Charisma

    I think that is a fair assessment. It is something that is decidedly lacking in the PHB though. I did find some adventures with ideas for how to run a battle of the bands situation. Which was an attempt I think in the right direction, though these (5e) adventures really just defaulted to roll...
  4. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Rethinking Charisma

    And I think that point is the crux of my consternation. Now don't get me wrong I like the fact that with the iterative editions there is a lot more to do then just crawl through a dungeon and fight, but that has been and I imagine always will be the backbone of Dungeons and Dragons. With...
  5. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Rethinking Charisma

    I am advocating for using more attributes for social interactions. D&D has had the same six attributes from 1-5e Three related to physical, 2 to mental, and one social (sort of). Charisma started off as being really leadership- it affected your number of followers, and how well you could get...
  6. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Dark Sun as a Hopepunk Setting

    I think limited options is a feature rather than a bug in this case. While sure PCs can always be the exception. One thing D&D has had a problem with ever since 3rd ed Eberron is trying to include every heritage and class everywhere. I think proving some left and right limits actually makes a...
  7. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Dark Sun as a Hopepunk Setting

    I gotta agree with Mort here. I'm normally a big fan of the WFRP grimdark and OSR type games, but never really tracked Darksun- I guess I was too young in its heyday. But After reading Steampunkettes take on it I really want to dive into it now.
  8. PvtTommyAtkins

    Pathfinder Launches Playtest for Necromancer and Runesmith Classes

    I'm excited to see this take on two ideas that I really love. Necromancers tend to be very gimmicky when a class is built for them and I often feel it is a good for for A necromancer, but not ALL necromancers. This looks pretty viable actually.
  9. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Just sweeping dirty dishes under the rug: D&D, Sexism, and the '70s

    I like that you take the time to point out some of the nuance. While a topic that will never die sure, it doesn't mean just ignore it- and I think that you bring up a very salient point of that it did make headway. I mean how does the progress of D&D in regards to sexism compare to society...
  10. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D (2024) You're not planning on getting 2024 D&D? Why is that?

    I agree that a rising tide of D&D has tended to benefit the industry as a whole. That was part of what initiated the OGL in 3rd ed. They did market research and found that people who play other RPGs eventually get around to trying the grand daddy of them all. So it was beneficial to them as...
  11. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General How Often Should a PC Die in D&D 5e?

    I've found that 3rd ed - 5th ed are very concerned with game balance. Both between players as well as encounters. DMG advice falls in line with that where there is a resource depletion but nothing that is a real threat. I've heard many people describe 5e as "combat as a sport" you might get...
  12. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D (2024) You're not planning on getting 2024 D&D? Why is that?

    I decided a while ago to boycot Hasbro D&D. Which I will admit has been hard as there have been some very pretty cover options- but overall I wasn't that impressed with 5e anyway and so Hasbro OGL fiasco just put the final nail in the coffin.
  13. PvtTommyAtkins

    Grittiness and Lethality in Game Combat vs in Read-Only Fiction

    I find that this really makes a difference with the player's I've met at various tables. Even different iterations of D&D. It seems AD&D and older folks have the combat as warfare approach: set up the situation before initiative is rolled so you have a decided advantage. Compared to 3rd ed and...
  14. PvtTommyAtkins

    GMing: What If We Say "Yes" To Everything?

    I got to participate in this as a player once. We had been playing RPGs all day and night and now it was the wee hours of the morning and some of the fellows had passed out already. A few of us too tired to really play anything proper basically just did a group narrative play- no dice and the...
  15. PvtTommyAtkins

    D&D General Folks Who Came Back With 5E: Did You Stay with 5E?

    I did AD&D 2e, 3ed and then skipped fourth. I came back with 5th and am leaving again. I came back to 5th because one of my friends had gotten the set during covid lockdown and hadn't played since high school so I agreed to run a game. That game went on for a little over a year and is...