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  1. P

    Albany Gameday XII - October 3rd

    My friend and I had a good time. Thanks to WOAS for running both games we played. 3:16 CIS was a very cool game and Barbians of Lemuria was a very cool game system that i plan to get my barbarous hands on at the soonest possible time. Thanks to Trooper Hank Hank and Uxi the Wise for being the...
  2. P

    Albany Gameday VII - March 10th - Sign-ups now open!

    A 50/50 split on Gas Money for 300+ miles round trip - $20 Breakfast, 4 Slices of Pizza, and a Arizona Iced Tea - $11 Getting to meet a whole bunch of fun gamers and playing 3 games i've never played before - Priceless! :D I had a lot of fun. It was a little crazy, but that seemed to add to...
  3. P

    Albany Gameday VII - March 10th - Sign-ups now open!

    Two gamers enter, i gamer leaves... Sounds fair to me! :D
  4. P

    Albany Gameday VII - March 10th - Sign-ups now open!

    Wow, thats pretty cool of you. You do that will ALL gamedays?
  5. P

    Albany Gameday VII - March 10th - Sign-ups now open!

    Well, me and a friend of mine will be there (already staked out my slots with the Guedo). See you guys saturday.
  6. P

    Fear the Boot RPG podcast launches interview series with guest Ryan Dancey

    I thought it was a great interview, also. A couple pieces of insight in it that surpised me. I'll definitely tune in for this series of inteviews.
  7. P

    Worst Value for Money RPG Purchase

    The Foundation. :mad:
  8. P forums down?

    Good, its not just me. :) I can get to all other parts of their site, but not the message boards. Whew.
  9. P no more for game purchases: Hypothetical...

    Damn! How'd you get THAT set-up? I want one like that. :lol:
  10. P no more for game purchases: Hypothetical...

    Me too. Or at least my version is "Buy books i like and still pay the bills" :p
  11. P no more for game purchases: Hypothetical...

    Well, i will pay whatever price i think is fair. If that is full price, then great. But given the choice between my LGS or Amazon, i pick Amazon (or FRP Games). But then my LGS is very lame. If it was worth the trip and effort to patronage them, i would pay a little more. But when given the...
  12. P

    Momus Press goes live!!

    We are happy to announce that Momus Press has joined the ranks of RPG game publishers. Our aim is to produce unusual and provocative game material that fires the imagination and sets itself apart from other game companies. Our major gaming line will be for the Strange Earth campaign setting...
  13. P

    DriveThruRPG's Top 100 Products From 2005

    Damn. Cyberpunk has been out about 1 week and its #20.
  14. P

    [The Le Games] FREE PDF BOOKS! Happy Christmas!

    Merry Christmas from Upstate New York! Where it is raining. I wish you all a Happy New Year, but i don't want to know what kind of weather that would bring down on me! :D
  15. P

    Central New York Gaming

    What makes a hero, a hero? Bumping.
  16. P

    Year of the Zombie - Literally

    A zombie calendar?! Genius! :D
  17. P

    Central New York Gaming

    to Bump, or not to bump...that is,no, definitely to Bump! :)
  18. P

    WFRP2: 'The Fate Bound'

    See? Even all powerful GMs fear a prepared Konrad. All must fear Konrad. Especially now that i have a cursed iron mask stuck too my face! :] :uhoh:
  19. P

    WFRP2: 'The Fate Bound'

    Konrad's Journal: Die Schwergängigkeit von Schicksalen Erntezeit 3: I make this entry by the light of the Rusty Lantern. It may be my last for some time. Before our descent into darkness, we hit a stroke of luck. I met an old friend of mine on the streets leading to our sewer entry. A...