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  1. O

    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I only asked if it was possible. Once he explained the monumental task it would be, I thanked him and moved on. And I didn't ask him for all the possible variables, consistency, and any guarantees. Not sure where you got all that from.
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I was thinking that you could do either...change the CR and other stats change (which you've said is nigh impossible and I'm good with that.) but you'll also see that said "other things about that creature change along with it" and while yes, it's the opposite idea, it was my attempt at...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I don't know how programming works but I do know that there has to be some sort of weights and measures given to each creature in the MM to assess the CR. I was thinking that there could be a certain calculation that takes into account how a spell, or natural ability, or ability score increase...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I was thinking more along the lines that each stat has a certain 'weight' to it (hence the hidden numeric value comment). For instance, if you increase a creatures STR by 2, you effectively add 1/10 (random number, not suggesting an actual value) to the CR. More modifications begin to have...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    My original thought was that this could be only two pages. It could see this being reduced to one page. I don't think that would be impossible. And this is the part that goes beyond my ability. In my head, I see a calculator that adds/subtracts a hidden numeric value based on HP, # of...
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    D&D 5E [Poll] Bard Satisfaction Survey

    I've read the replies here and it seems fairly split on those that like the 5e bard and those that don't. I love the 5e bard and, especially, the magical secrets. THIS is what makes a bard. Poaching other casters spells isn't a malevolent intention. It's a happenstance. The bard, finding a...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    JOOST! I have a suggestion for a project to add here. It may or may not violate terms of service and copywrite so I'll leave it to you to tell me otherwise. You've already created an amazing character sheet for 5e. AND you've made it useful for us barbarians that don't use A4 (GASP!). And so...
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    What 5e got wrong

    I've actually done exactly this and we did it successfully. Sometimes, pulling the players out of what they know and getting them to be creative by using what they know in unique and new ways is very rewarding on both sides of the DM screen.
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    What 5e got wrong

    Wait...are you proposing a debate of cartoon art vs realism for a fantasy game?! Challenge accepted! :p
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    What 5e got wrong

    [/URL] I agree with your criticism of some of the art in the books. I can't help but note that the female elven caster portrayed on pg. 169 of the PHB has some MESSED UP looking eyes. Elf or not, that's just an art fail that should have spent more time getting edited. I do love the artwork of...
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    D&D 5E Killing a Teammate

    This statement brought to mind an adventure I was part of. I'll try to provide some DM insight into the OPs dilemma toward the end. I had a mage/cleric that, with his entire party, was trapped in an underground labrynth. We found hundreds of local villagers trapped in cells. The party picked...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I found an error on the "Book of Shadows" Class Feature for the Warlock. When selected, the sheet currently displays, "I can cast these cantrips as long as I have the book on my person/n..." The obvious issue is the /n after person instead of a period. That's about it. No big deal. I'm sure...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    Once again...I'm impressed! I keep coming back for all the new updates. You do a fantastic job and you listen to your fans. Yes, fans. I'm sure MPMB will eventually be awarded a place in the .PDF Hall of Fame. Kudos!
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    D&D 5E Warlord Name Poll

    I can roll with that!
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    D&D 5E Warlord Name Poll

    Actually, I must be because I don't know the lemon curry reference other than what instigated the long discourse about lemon curry being a non-answer or an answer against the warlord class. I've only really participated in about 6 or 7 threads in the D&D forums, it's pretty safe to say...
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    D&D 5E Warlord Name Poll

    I like Marshall as it does indicate a certain amount of appointment. There were a few, other than the obvious inside reference you made, that I simply wouldn't consider out of the oddness of speaking the title (linguistics count!) as well as some that seemed too Latin in nature such as Decanus...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    MPMB, The spell Thorn Whip is displaying a damage die of 1d8 on your sheet. The PHB shows it as 1d6. If this is not in any errata, then it should be corrected.
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    A function of FoxIt is that it lets you convert the image file to .pdf. I've used it to convert images many times and simply save the image for use in my character sheet.
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    MPMB, can you place an 'active' button next to the Limited Features rows so that, for instance, a barbarian that is raging can see his damage reduction and additional attack damages calculated when it is checked. If it's not checked, it doesn't show. The damage reduction, as well, could show...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I have found FoxIt to be dicey at best. This form is great with Adobe but I fear most other .pdf viewers aren't going to be able to cut the mustard, as it were. Quick question for you MPMB: Do you find Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to work well as an exporter?