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    longspear set vs. charge & AoO?

    Only if the player with the longspear can threatens the 5' in front of him with a reach weapon. -Blackivarr
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    I played a great DnD game ... with only the 3 core books!

    I have had plenty of great games using all of 3.+ and various suppliments. Often I have to overule a feat combo here and a spell there just for the sake of game balance. Thats OK, we dont argue (much) DM's rule is law..........but some of the best games I think were good ol' 1+2e. I used to show...
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    Undead Crew

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    Undead Crew

    I once saw a spell I belive was called Undead Crew. It basically make an undead crew of sailors to sail a ship. A am not sure what is was in or if it was even for 3.+, pehaps it was 2nd ed. Can anyone help me out? Tell me where it is or post it here, I would be much obliged. thanks, -Blackivarr
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    Scarred Lands: Ask the Sage [Nothing can stop me now!! *evil laugh*]

    Adding new core classes to the Scarred Lands The new Warlock core class in the complete arcane just screams Scarred Lands to me. Has anyone used them yet? Or any other new core class for that matter? The Divine Soul and Hexblade both seem to fit well into the general theme. I used Hexblades a...
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    How to GM an chase scene

    My players will soon be in a densly packed city, a good portion of it is nothing more than open air houses and shanties. I'd like to take them on some sort of chase scene through crowded alleys, across rooftops etc.... I havent seen any rules for it anywhere. Anyone have any ideas? -Blackivarr
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    What are the best books for Scarred Lands?

    The most important thing is what books not to get. Stay away from Echos of the Past. Bad idea aside, it's in 3.0 psionics. Faithful and Forsaken has some useful info on the Charduni Dwarves but they really screwd up the elf bit IMO. Relics and Rituals 2 is just as useful as RR1. MY Gelsped hard...
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    Scarred Lands: Ask the Sage [Nothing can stop me now!! *evil laugh*]

    Summon Specific Creature I believe a spell called summon specific creature in rr1 allows any creature depending on CR. I am not sure how balanced it is, I have never used it. -Blackivarr
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    Help! I need a name for a Legendary Sword of Righteous Justice!!!

    What was it used to defend against? Whats the "Legend" behind it? -Blackivarr
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    Find me a home for my hexblades!

    A small Order I used them in my Scarred Lands game a while back. It seems that some unethical Forsaken Elves sold some of the cursed children to a coven of Hags. The Hags did thier Hag stuff and they now had a bunch of Hexblade Forsaken Elves to throw against the world. ........Yea It was a...
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    Scarred Lands: Ask the Sage [Nothing can stop me now!! *evil laugh*]

    Has anyone played in the swamps of Kan Thet? Other than Assathi lurking around every corner I really dont know much about it. Is there a real place on earth that resembles its geography? Yeah I know....wierd question -Blackivarr
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    Rogue Preference

    Unearthed Arcana variant If your DM will allow it, take a look at the Unearthed Arcana Variant (PP.58). You will lose sneak attack but gain bonus feats as a Fighter. I have used it on 2 seperate occasions, both seem to work well. -Blackivarr
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    Gaming in Fulton, New York

    "the last group i played with refused to play anything BUT D&D 3E since it came out." Um....I think I still have Mutants&Masterminds and Spycraft both sitting on my shelf collecting dust because you wanted to run them. <jab> <jab> Seriously....I have been itching to buy d20 future, perhaps...
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    Scarred Lands: Ask the Sage [This keeps up, I'm gonna need a bigger notebook!]

    What will everyone do now that SL is gone, at least for now? I pretty much ignore F&F and Echos anyway, so I wonder what will happen as time passes is my game? SL can't remain static like the Greyhawk of old, it's about to boil over as we all know. I haven't quite thought it all through yet...
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    Scarred Lands: Ask the Sage [This keeps up, I'm gonna need a bigger notebook!]

    The Dragonlands I remember reading bits and pieces about the Dragon Lands, can anyone sum it up for me? -Blackivarr