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  1. jordane1964

    What are you reading in 2025?

    So far, King Lear, Save the Cat, The Fall of Gondolin, and The One Ring rpg. Lot more in the queue.
  2. jordane1964

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Newlywed escapes criminal husband... almost!
  3. jordane1964

    D&D General The History of Alignment: Why D&D Has the Nine-Point Alignment System 4 UR Memes

    Great writeup! I have always had a fondness for the Paths system for morality in VtM, but it is less than practical to port it over into d&d.
  4. jordane1964

    Would You Get A D&D Tattoo?

    The problem with tattoos is that symbols have a propensity to change meaning. I suppose cover-ups and removals are always possible for people like this who are brave enough to wear their hearts on their sleeves!
  5. jordane1964

    TSR Level Titles

    DCC has its own rendition of these too, which is fun to see.
  6. jordane1964

    Dreams of Erthe

    Have you ever looked at the 3.5 ed supplement Heroes of Horror? There are rules in there for traveling to a plane of dreams and using dream magic called oneiromancy.
  7. jordane1964

    Level Up (A5E) Esper: Now free for download on Drivethrurpg

    Congratulations on your successful kickstarter.
  8. jordane1964

    Aging and Gaming

    By now you probably have a library of different rules and ideas in your head. Have you thought about cobbling together an RPG system as you imagine it? It doesn't have to be complicated at all, and in fact, if you can't remember something then it's probably not that important in the first place.
  9. jordane1964

    OSR What OSR System for Barrowmaze?

    I've found OSE is usually the best direct translation of old school d&d, but I favor LotFP when I want to make it weird and horrifying.
  10. jordane1964

    D&D General [Humor] Things You Hate About 7E

    "Also, the new ranger sucks." Now that's funny!
  11. jordane1964

    D&D General Backstories: good, bad or whatever?

    If a character shows up with or suggests character backstories, it's a vote for how they want the game to be. It hasn't happened often at my table, but I've cooperated when it has.
  12. jordane1964

    D&D 5E 5e Newbie - Tear Apart My Bad Build Ideas

    This is reminding me of a joke character build from 3rd edition called Pun-Pun, where they were somehow able to raise a 1st level kobold to godly power with just a combination of supplements using rules as written.