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  1. K

    D&D (2024) Homebrew Origin Feats

    I make no claims on the feasibility of any of the following. Any feedback would be appreciated. Arcane Archivist Prerequisite: You must be an elf or have an arcane background. Benefit: You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill if you don't already have it. Additionally, you can spend one...
  2. K

    D&D 5E Ruling Consideration on Darkness (both magical and non-magical)

    Just a few things to try and clarify. My answers. Totally dark room, can a human see without penalty the area around a torch 100' away? Yes Does magical darkness between the human and torch do anything? Technically no, but the rules also don't cover the previous question, so I'd rule that the...
  3. K

    D&D 5E Treating characters in the game as being part of a LitRPG novel/anime

    I had the thought and was wondering if anyone has done or know of treating the game as an actual game instead of a fantasy reality? Could be as a VR simulation or just how that reality work. Pop up screens with stats or a tattoo on the back?
  4. K

    D&D 5E Is this Homebrew Spell Balanceable? - Binding of Infinite Power

    Add a line saying that when "Binding of Infinite Power" ends, all spells cast with it also end.
  5. K

    D&D 5E TOTM and flanking

    Just curious how people manage this.
  6. K

    D&D General Hive Mind Evil?

    There's also the difference between the morals of modern society and a medieval fantasy. Say some one steals from you and gets away. If you find them later do you kill them? Modern has more option available so killing would be evil. In medieval the only practical choice might be to kill...
  7. K

    D&D General Hive Mind Evil?

    From a Queens perspective killing some humans won't wipe out all of them. Killing a queen would, so she might only recognize a human Ruler as an equal. The Queen might have a personal code to never murder, but that only applies to "equals" like Queens and Rulers.
  8. K

    D&D General Hive Mind Evil?

    The Hive may not directly try and attack, just move into areas and only kill if attacked. Destroy a town to build there, but let people flee. Idea for after a Hive win. Once they have taken enough area they settle down and don't over breed (unless threatened), they ignore any small group in...
  9. K

    D&D General Hive Mind Evil?

    If you want a perspective of a hive mind (and other alien view points) check out the Ender's Game novels. The 1st book doesn't touch much on the alien viewpoints, but the later books do.
  10. K

    D&D General Hive Mind Evil?

    Evil would be having a choice and doing something that causes suffering. Are the insects more efficient than humans? Do they farm crops? Do they farm meat? If so does that include humans? How much individuality do they have? If not much then kill a couple wouldn't only cause that threat to be...
  11. K

    D&D 5E Are proficiency swaps too strong for some races?

    I'd take it case by case but a dwarf wizard giving up armor prof would get more out of it than a dwarf fighter doing the same.
  12. K

    D&D 5E House Rule Sanity Check

    Overall looks fine. Only issue I'd have with it is a philosophical one. I think skills should be treated like a keyword. Anytime a keyword could be applied to a situation then you can use the bonus. This also means skills are not locked to an attribute. So backgrounds can be used as a skill...
  13. K

    D&D General Help me with a nautical Halloween adventure: Becalmed near a ghost ship

    Have them becalmed a few days with nothing significant happening. Have a few minor things happen, some they might not notice unless talking to crew or looking for. torn sail (with no wind?) food missing (the good stuff) cannon loaded and ready to fire water bad / missing a pigeon lands on deck...
  14. K

    D&D 5E Dark Sun doesn't actually need Psionics

    Random thoughts: I'd have some mechanic that would allow people to notice that there was defiling being cast. Maybe have dead zones where there is not enough life to support defiling, so any casting is forced to be at the harder preserving. Too much defiling without enough nature would lead to...
  15. K

    D&D 5E Dark Sun doesn't actually need Psionics

    I'll be in the camp of you can play DS without psionics, but having psionics increases the flavor. Like eating McDonalds fries without salt. Psionics adds to the fear that no matter what someone (thing) looks like, it might have powerful Psionics. Or not being able to tell who in a group has...
  16. K

    D&D 5E Adding Additional Skills to the game

    Background is a skill. Skills are decoupled. I'll let players use anything as a keyword for a skill. The base skills are broad and general. Nothing wrong with that, but if a play feels that Law suits their character better than History, go ahead write that down instead. This might limit some...
  17. K

    D&D 5E Wild Shape, travel & exhaustion

    Balance wise it makes sense, but if none of the HP/damage from wild shape are connected to the real form, should it? Mostly its just thought experiment, not a serious game situation.
  18. K

    D&D 5E Wild Shape, travel & exhaustion

    For exhaustion gained while in wild shape would you have it continue when you change back? In particular if you gain exhaustion from forced march would you do it as well?
  19. K

    D&D 5E Wood Elf Monk

    Wolf Strike Squirrel leap Fall like a Leaf Stand like an Oak
  20. K

    D&D 5E Need Help Clarifying a Warlock Pact

    As for where: Warlock Invocations and Boons (5e Class Feature) - D&D Wiki Looking at a 2 player party, Druid of the Moon & Feylock so having a connection between them would be appropriate. For the Pack ability: