i'm an old guy, i don't understand why we can't have a new edition of OD&D, Ad&D and the rules cyclopedia! And maybe a red box! As for the rest, you can do what you like with DD5, it's ok with me. And i like DD5 too.
Glorantha is huge. The runequest system...
DCC, it's fabulous, the spirit of origins, invention, madness, no limits.
Blade Runner, whose universe is well-known but seems to offer great possibilities.
Tales from the loop. So inventive. Sad poetry.
I don't know anything about it, but it reminds me of the Call of Cthulhu first edition. Some passages have been removed. If there's content that's "embarrassing" (racist, misogynist, fascist...) that's normal. Does that mean we should condemn the whole game? Not if the whole game isn't about...
OSR for old school revival. Not just D&D. For me, star wars d6 is ok. I think OSR, I think simplicity. And yet Rolemaster and Merp are old school and not simple!