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    RPG Evolution: Looking Back at My 2024 Goals

    Not a single game of rpg. Misery! Not a good year. It's a good indicator.
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    What are your TTRPG Goals for 2025?

    Play Blade runner, DD5, OSE, Lotfp, Star Wars D6 !!!!
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    D&D (2024) New Year Wishes For D&D in 2025?

    And I forgot, some modules, boxes for these old editions. Dragonlance, for example.
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    D&D (2024) New Year Wishes For D&D in 2025?

    i'm an old guy, i don't understand why we can't have a new edition of OD&D, Ad&D and the rules cyclopedia! And maybe a red box! As for the rest, you can do what you like with DD5, it's ok with me. And i like DD5 too. :p
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    D&D General The New York Times on D&D

    It works, thanks for this.
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    The Most Creative TTRPG Settings and Milieus

    Glorantha is huge. The runequest system... DCC, it's fabulous, the spirit of origins, invention, madness, no limits. Blade Runner, whose universe is well-known but seems to offer great possibilities. Tales from the loop. So inventive. Sad poetry.
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    [possibly controversial]What is wrong with Vampire the Masquerade 5E?

    I don't know anything about it, but it reminds me of the Call of Cthulhu first edition. Some passages have been removed. If there's content that's "embarrassing" (racist, misogynist, fascist...) that's normal. Does that mean we should condemn the whole game? Not if the whole game isn't about...
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    D&D General Your Character Died! Who's Fault Was It?

    I blame myself first. BUT I blame the dice too ! And one day, finally, I won't rely too much on the dice...
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    OSR Does "Old School" in OSR only apply to D&D?

    OSR for old school revival. Not just D&D. For me, star wars d6 is ok. I think OSR, I think simplicity. And yet Rolemaster and Merp are old school and not simple!
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    2nd to OSR

    For me, OSE is more simple and DCC is more fun ! But that means new rules, new dice. But it's good, and the editorial work is insane. A ton of extras.
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    Here Are 2025's Most Anticipated TTRPGs... As Voted By You!

    i don't know this version. There is an active community for GURPS ?
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    Here Are 2025's Most Anticipated TTRPGs... As Voted By You!

    I can't wait to get my hands on Discworld!