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  1. S

    Will you make transsexual Elves canon in your games ?

    If people are considered with anti-trans bias they should remember that the claim that gender is purely a social invention, not something that has an innate biological origin at all, are essentially arguing that there is no solid basis for being transgender. That strikes me as anti-transgender...
  2. S

    Will you make transsexual Elves canon in your games ?

    There is a difference between recognizing the power of socialization and claiming that there aren't significant innate differences between the sexes. Pink clothes and footballs don't make boys fidget in elementary schools the way they do. It is beyond socialization. The blank slate hypothesis...
  3. S

    Will you make transsexual Elves canon in your games ?

    I specifically wrote that there is overlap between the gender stereotypes and that there are exceptions. Of course individuality matters and there is also a spectrum of masculinity and femininity for both sexes. Also, a person's socialization does have influence. My post isn't just gut feeling...
  4. S

    D&D 5E 5e completely nerfed charm - for YOU, anyway

    Charm Person in 5e is certainly disappointing. In 1e is was super powerful. I think this calls for a case of middle ground.
  5. S

    Will you make transsexual Elves canon in your games ?

    A few points: 1) "(As gender is a social construct.)" No. Masculine and feminine are not social constructs. They are the result of humans being quite sexually dimorphic. There are significant differences due to the influence of male and female hormones. What is a social construct is the...
  6. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    If a book states: "Elves cannot be taller than 5' 5"" then that works for anyone who is planning to follow the book, as written. It's not subjective. It's a simple fact. The book states X and X is what people must follow if they plan on doing it by the book. Just because people can houserule...
  7. S

    Optimization potential: Builds you would play if they weren't so suboptimal

    It doesn't matter the system. It also doesn't have to be classes that exist in the literature. It could be a custom class that uses the existing rules frameworks. The point of this topic is to draw attention to gaps in optimization in the games you like — like a character flavor that can't be...
  8. S

    Unearthed Arcana Ranger Revised - Overpowered?

    It's not surprising since Perception tends to be the skill that is seen as most important. Anything that increases perception significantly can lead to problems for the GM.
  9. S

    Anti-Optimization: Entertainer with 8 Charisma

    Isn't an 8 just one step below average? There are enough successful entertainers with below average charisma. All they need is the right management and production values. I would think someone who is terrible because of a charisma score would have a 6. Part of the trouble with this comes from...
  10. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    I think I'll try out the block button.
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    Wizard vs. Sorcerer: Which one would you rather play? Which would you rather be?

    That's a case of bad DMing. The Phantasmal Force spells obviously weren't put into the book to make fools out of players or to sit there and be useless. Phantasmal Force, as I recall, was one of the very first D&D spells, along with Fire Ball. So, based on the tradition of honoring tradition...
  12. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    Constructive options (examples): 1) Specific ideas about improving the language of specific flaws. 2) Ideas for new flaws, like suggestions for what is missing from the original list. 3) Ideas for consolidating flaws. 4) Related specific revisions, additions, and deletions. 5) Information...
  13. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    Show me the subtlety in your lazy attack on my work and maybe I will. What I am now asking is that people who aren't interested in constructively addressing this topic move along. Constructive comments include specific ideas about improving the language of specific flaws.
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    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    It should as long as there are fewer "friendly intent" posts. So far, those have been the most rancorous.
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    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    There are factual interpretations, non-factual interpretations, and subjective/debatable interpretations. Many of the interpretations I have presented are factual. If someone says "The pool has water in it" then it's not up for debate whether or not the person intended for people to think that...
  16. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    The absolutist statements are the straightjackets. The flaws that ban good alignment are more straightjacketing than my revisions (excepting the cases where there are multiple revisions presented where one is clearly intended to not be used for good alignment characters). Flaws that aren't...
  17. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    This post is contradictory. Let's look at the two claims: A) The work you did is useful, especially for those new to RP. B) The work you did is useless because the flaws, as originally written, are not flawed. Being new to RP or not, statements like "I would kill to get a noble title" have no...
  18. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    Huh? Many of them are very flat basic statements. The absolutist nature of many of them is the opposite of unstructured, unspecific, and disorganized. Absolutist statements are excessively structured, excessively specific, and excessively organized. So, the argument you're literally making is...
  19. S

    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    Some of the revisions have the same number of words, or the addition or one or two. "Wordy" is only meaningful if it can be proven that the additional words can be cut. Proof is particularly needed when it comes to things like: A) flaws that aren't flaws in the first place B) absolutist...
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    The 5e Flaws list, my editorial changes (to correct flaws in the flaws)

    Honestly, I find such posts to be useless. If you have something specific you think is flawed then make a list. Explain. Do some work.