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  1. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    Whatever. Felt more like I got skipped, since I'm last. :\
  2. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Tish - The Big Sink, Jail Break Seeing Mahk's definate peril, Tish catches up to the group, and then making her mark lifts her arms forwards. She begins to weave her hands and long fingertips in and out as if playing an invisible harp, spinning a spell in the common tongue: "I will not allow...
  3. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    Bront -- Pay attention to the order! You're posting too soon. I'm waiting around for eeeeeeeveryone to post, because I'm apparently last or close to it. So, yeah, unfair if you guys don't follow the pattern. :(
  4. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    Nooo kidding. I don't know why/how/when the guards actually saw us. And as for moving out, Tish did so because *I* meta-gamed a bit. Har har. The guard did not see him, so in the wording I guessed that the guard left, or kept walking. But, lo and behold, I guess I effed that up. Oh wellsies. As...
  5. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    I'll do it for you, for five bucks. :D
  6. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Tish, female druid elf - The Big Sink, Corridor Tish follows suit, unusually silent. OOC: Listen +5, Spot +5, Move Silently +2
  7. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Tish says in a quieter voice now, "If we can help it, we won't fight, Malaci. I just want you to help me carry Lliend. But I'm not leaving this place without my things, so if you feel like running away, that's fine by me. Just remember, we're power in numbers. I've got your back." She awkwardly...
  8. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Hearing Mahk's orders, Tish steps down from the leader position, gladly. She nods to Malaci as she hoists Lliend up again, brushing a little dirt off the shocked man's back. "Lliend?... Lliend, I'm going to need you to be strong. It's okay now, we're almost freed. You've done well." Tish smiles...
  9. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    Tish has got Lliend's back. <3 We just played it as him going into shock, or something. Tho' your friend got away without knowing you were there.
  10. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    In Druidic, Tish calls out to Grater, "No! Wait! Lliend is..." Looking back at Lliend's catatonic state, Tish goes quiet for a moment. Then again, in the same druidic tongue she looks to Dartan, "Guess that answers your questions." Grabbing one of Lliend's arms, Tish hefts it over her shoulders...
  11. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    I can't help it. The NPC -and- I are waiting for replies. Me, out of game as well as in. As far as waiting goes, if push comes to shove, Tish'll go with saying she knows no one by that name (because I don't know her history with him, sadly; shoulda' discussed this before we began). Sooo, yeah...
  12. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    Just in general, and so everyone knows, we're not being lazy on purpose. We're waiting for KikuNoMaru to post, as he's been singled out by the NPC. Hopefully that'll happen before our break, cause I'm dying to get out of this cell (I want to change my icon to the bad arse looking Tish too. ) :D
  13. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    Hahaha. I understood that! Tho' it's more casual than we're learning. Our teacher has us speaking so formally that any Japanese person my own age would stare at me funny. In fact, Japanese people have told me that they hardly use some of the expressions we're learning. Our teacher IS old AND...
  14. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    I'm gonna miss you guys! *sob* But yeah, we won't have any promised connection that we know of. My parents are kinda' behind the times, besides I never see them so I'd feel bad ignoring them. BUT WHO KNOWS. We might have time for a post or two if we have the internet.
  15. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Tish, The Big Sink Tish looks alarmed and even a little upset by the sudden entrance. She had no idea who this new comer from up above might be, but the irony of him arriving the same day as Enri, her eagle companion, is all too uncanny. Giving thanks to her elven heritage for once, she can...
  16. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    To KikuNoMaru -- Quick question for Maru-ru. Would Tish know Lliend's last name? You've been talked to by the new comer from above, and Caplin is your last name, yes? But I'm assuming that Tish may only know your first name. Just depends on what introductions went on when you (almost) freed...
  17. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Tish, the Big Sink Tish shuffles her hands in front of herself awkwardly, looking hopeful for some reason. "Whew, no one noticed my stupid inner-dialogue come aloud." She stands up, brushes off, and laughs heartily at Josh. "Thank you for singing to the heavens what I was desparately telling...
  18. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    It's only been a WEEK! :D Get creative. Make up stuff. Refer to something Tish earlier talked about, but be CANON. Don't be so specific and out of character (for the person you're talking about) that it controls them. Or talk about how you were explaining your reason for being in, but no one...
  19. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)

    No, no. You're doing fine. I'm just bummed that I got off to a late start, and that all of the OTHER wonderful characters that have been created are just kinda' sitting on the shelf for right now. I'm also not sure what you mean by that post, but Dave has been reading. He'll pop in with...
  20. Becca Bot

    Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs

    Tish, the Big Sink "Well," she starts, rather taken aback at this stranger's trust, "Lower your voice, but... An eagle found me, right?" She grins nervously now, motioning to the stormdrain she was talking to earlier, and trying her hardest to sound light-hearted: "That means someone else I...