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  1. theBardic life

    Monsters & More: An In-Depth Review of the 2025 D&D Monster Manual

    Reading tea leaves but would it be to make a 3rd category between playable races and monsters? A type of hybrid which can be statted as PC/ monsters/ NPCs dependent on situation?
  2. theBardic life

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    Yeah alignment is def somethign I've found doesn't really add as much as it seems to. E.g. so there is a litmus test to let me know someone's morals, cool I'll factor that into my calculations, but how does that change the game for the PCs or the DM? I rather prefer a model of where we have...
  3. theBardic life

    WotC Mike Mearls: "D&D Is Uncool Again"

    Yeah I'm also in the "its too soon to tell" boat. The average group doesn't buy all the new books immediately and this edition seems to not have a lot of changes so there's probably not a huge rush in a lot of folk's minds. While D&D may be on something of a downswing lets remember that it was...
  4. theBardic life

    D&D General Seeking Input: A moment of prayer for the Ranger

    I think this is the core of my problem, my "army scout as a ranger" character concept breaks as the power level increases. One of the inspirations for this idea is the Scout Regiment from "Attack on Titan", and when its 1 scout vs 1 titan, the scout usually get eaten. So yeah, I guess its not...
  5. theBardic life

    D&D General 5e D&D to OSR pipeline or circle?

    Oo, yes, good point about the creative, whimsical and inspiring part of OSR, gosh I probably take it for granted now!
  6. theBardic life

    D&D General 5e D&D to OSR pipeline or circle?

    Hey folks for those of you who migrated from 5e to more OSR style games, what prompted you to take the step? For me it was the playability of the modules, I felt that OSR games are written to be easy as possible for a DM to run. 5e modules/ material by contrast seems to me to now be a bit...
  7. theBardic life

    What are you reading in 2024?

    I'm working my way through the Traitor Son Cycle series by Miles Cameron. Book 1: The Red Knight was really great, he does a great job merging the details of a knight's life with fantasy in a way that makes me feel the man is a reenactor. Book 2: The Fell Sword picks up the worldbuilding and...
  8. theBardic life

    The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim

    The trend towards trailers that spoil the show is really silly, 100% agree that it detracts from the whole reason of having a trailer, producers please stop doing this I'm begging you.
  9. theBardic life

    Dragonbane Post-Mortem

    First off I love the effort you are going into to learn and improve, your group are a bunch of lucky duckies. This quote really stood out to me: "Why are complex games the only ones where you can feel powerful? All the streamlined games, you're one hit away from death." I feel this since I...
  10. theBardic life

    Henry Cavill's Warhammer 40K Show Is Happening

    This is great news, I've kind of been suprised that GW has not had a lot of non-book media out before. They are a colossus of minis and the company is about 25 years older than me, lol. The animated series Hammer and Bolter was super cool and makes me want to read more of the books, I imagine...
  11. theBardic life

    D&D General Seeking Input: A moment of prayer for the Ranger

    Firstly thanks for the very deep dive, really enjoyed reading it! I am begining to understand from the range of responses to this post that this is a common issue (yay not alone) and that there is a gap between what I think I am playing at the table and the game that I am playing. My...
  12. theBardic life

    D&D General Seeking Input: A moment of prayer for the Ranger

    I wonder if this scaling problem is just communicating to us that 5e (and similar) character power levels are excessive? I feel like in my mind I was playing in The Black Company by Glen Cook (amazing books btw) and 5e rapidly ratched up to superhero scale. And this may actually be the problem...
  13. theBardic life

    D&D General Seeking Input: A moment of prayer for the Ranger

    Yes, this is 100% the problem, but without going down the road of every class being spellcasters, or the opposite extreme of limiting the spells to preserve the ranger's niche. The remaining option is to make wilderness/ travel/ movement a bigger part of play? But the issue I would see there is...
  14. theBardic life

    D&D General Seeking Input: A moment of prayer for the Ranger

    Oh, thanks, that sounds super interesting, I'll check it out. And you're 100% right about the magic users being able to fill that scouting role. its such a hard balance to try and protect a non-spellcasting niche (e.g. thief skills) while giving the spellcasters enough flexibility. I wonder if...
  15. theBardic life

    D&D General Seeking Input: A moment of prayer for the Ranger

    I really want to see if the "army scout" idea could work. I have toyed with making a magic-less Ranger and never really arrived at something anywhere as good as what the 5e Barbarian achieves. Perspective: I'm weird in that I started from 5e and then went towards the OSR, one of the reasons was...
  16. theBardic life

    The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim

    I love anime and loved the LoTR movies, 8/10 from me. Its great to see a cool woman in middle earth after the sadness that was the rings of power.
  17. theBardic life

    Favorite Holiday Movie

    Hehe I'm a classic gen-z, I love Elf, been watching it since I was a kid!