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  1. Topramesk

    Not DnD | Against the Darkmaster

    Northern Woods and Golden Throne aren't actually that different in terms of themes, but we know that Awallon's setting isn't everyone's cup of tea and we'll be returning to a more classic fantasy setting soon (well, in a sense we've already returned to it with Heartbane, our latest scenario). I...
  2. Topramesk

    Release [Against the Darkmaster] Secrets of the Golden Throne

    You’ve dreamt of this place. Awallon, the land beyond the eastern sea. Legends say that as long as a True King sits upon its Golden Throne, the Kingdom shall prosper. And yet, a strange blight has befallen your country. So you’ve come here at last. Pursuing your dreams, following...
  3. Topramesk

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Oh, ok got what you meant now! In that case, you're absolutely correct, the heroic path is definitely meant as a sort of "secondary XP track"!
  4. Topramesk

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Eheh, I feel you, on one hand we'd love to add more variety to the Crits, on the other we want to avoid having too many crit tables, or adding dozens of flavor texts with little variance in their mechanical effect. We're brewing a few options and alternatives for various combat rules, but it's...
  5. Topramesk

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    You can actually heal your wound in any safe environment (like the village in the starting adventure), not just Safe Havens. Even out in the wilderness you can use the Camping rules to rest and heal. Safe Havens allows you to heal quicker (see page 158), perform special activities, and generally...
  6. Topramesk

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    We tried to keep them relatively rare, but there's a few. For example, the first 10 ranks in a skill give you +5/rank, 11 to 20 is +2/rank, 21+ gets you a meager +1/rank.
  7. Topramesk

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Because d100s are way sexier! Jokes aside, I think someone on our Discord is already working on a d20 version of the rules, so you might want to check that when it comes out!
  8. Topramesk

    Kickstarter [Against the Darkmaster] Secrets of the Golden Throne coming to Kickstarter!

    The time has come, the land of Awallon awaits! Follow your dreams, rise against Darkness, and unveil the Secrets of the Golden Throne! WE are live NOW on Kickstarter !
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  10. Topramesk

    Kickstarter [Against the Darkmaster] Secrets of the Golden Throne coming to Kickstarter!

    You’ve dreamt of this place. Awallon, the land beyond the eastern sea. Legends say that as long as a True King sits upon its Golden Throne, the Kingdom shall prosper. And yet, a strange blight has befallen your country. So you’ve come here at last. Pursuing your dreams, following half-forgotten...
  11. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    Find out if you have what it takes to be a hero with our brand new Against the Darkmaster Player's Handbook! All player-facing collected in a single, easy to reference manual, both in PDF and POD. Get it now on DTRPG...
  12. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    Greetings heroes! We’re very pleased to announce that pre-orders for the second printing of the Against the Darkmaster Core Rules are now LIVE! The books are being printed right now, and will be distributed this summer. Please note that this pre-order is currently limited to the US only. We’ll...
  13. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    Don't miss our live Q&A with Open Ended Games, tomorrow 25/3 at 22:00 GMT+1 on our official Discord server!
  14. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    March Madness! The Against the Darkmaster Core Rules for Fantasy Grounds are 30% for the next week! Fantasy Grounds Forge
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  16. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    The Against the Darkmaster Core Rules are live on Fantasy Grounds!
  17. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    The Against the Darkmaster Roll20 sheet is finally live! Just search for Against the Darkmaster in the Character Sheet Template when creating your game and you're ready to fight the minions of Darkness!
  18. Topramesk

    Wheel of Time and other quest fantasies

    I read or re-read a sizeable amount of "quest fantasy" books quite recently, while writing Against the Darkmaster, part for research purpose and part for personal enjoyment. Besides lotr itself, my personal favorites are the Belgariad series by David Eddings, and The Chronicles of Prydain by...
  19. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    We're proud to announce that the Against the Darkmaster Core Rules are currently featured in the latest Bundle of Holding Indie Cornucopia 9, alongside other top-quality small press TTRPGs such as Ironsworn, Ultraviolet Grassland, Electric Bastionland, Impulse Drive, and Opera House! This means...
  20. Topramesk

    Against the Darkmaster - a new Epic Fantasy MERP-inspired game

    Take a peek at the future of Against the Darkmaster, and prepare to unveil the Secrets of the Golden Throne in our latest blog post! (Amazing WIP by Heraldo Mussolini)