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  1. S

    New Unearthed Arcana Released, With 8 New Forgotten Realms-Themed Subclasses

    +1 Studded Leather is slightly better because it can't be dispelled and doesn't require a spell slot every day. Mage Armor is of course way easier to get though.
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Valda stabbed downward, barely looking, to make sure the armored hill giant warrior stayed down before stepping forward to engage some of the giants to the south. They appeared to be lesser combatants than the one she had just finished off, but they were still giants and that meant they were...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Valda, bruised and battered, struck out at the ogress engaging her, managing to draw blood as she called upon the runic magic that embodied the very foes they faced, hoping that the toughness and durability of a hill giant would manage to keep her on her feet. Should have used Hill Rune before...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    I would like to use my reaction to use the Cloud Giant's Rune to redirect the 28 damage hit towards the Armored Hill Giant. -Cloud Rune: While wearing or carrying the rune, have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and Charisma (Deception) checks. Can use my reaction to invoke the rune when...
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    D&D (2024) Should full casters and Monks have one weapon mastery?

    I mean, it's slightly pedantic, but a single classed sorcerer or whatever wouldn't be able to get cleave anyway, right? The Rogue is the only class with a restricted weapon list that gets masteries, and they can only choose masteries of weapons that they are proficient with. So a single classed...
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    D&D (2024) Should full casters and Monks have one weapon mastery?

    Pretty much. Also, it's kinda weird to call them weapon masteries, implying that they require dedication to achieve, and then everyone just kinda gets them. Not too much "mastery" in that. I'd argue that is why they don't have full caster progression, since they are splitting their focus.
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    D&D (2024) Should full casters and Monks have one weapon mastery?

    As mentioned, there are already ways for classes without native access to obtain weapon masteries, either through feat or multiclassing. That may be a tough decision taking up an ASI for a casting stat, or slowing down new spell levels, but thems the breaks. New or revised subclasses might...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Valda hefted the new shield to get a feel for it's weight before taking swigs of the various potions that the rest of the group had found. She felt powerful as their effects took hold, and rushed into the room with a grim satisfaction, her already larger form continuing to grow as she drew upon...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    I've got 66 hit points out of 92, so I'm not the worst off but could maybe use a potion or two, depending on what everyone thinks.
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Valda rushes across the room, through the curtain that Quinn just fired his bolt of starlight through, advancing towards the remaining giants with a grim sort of glee. Just going to dash over to BJ54.
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Valda advances past the fallen giants, through the opening into the room with the two young giants. She lashes out in a fury at the nearest giant. Sorry about the holdup. This week was a bit busy. Anyway, attacking Young Hill Giant 4. +1 Longsword Attack Rolls: 1D20+9 = [17]+9 = 26 1D20+9 =...
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    D&D (2024) Party Balance?

    I think it's fine, although I like the slightly more in depth version. The thing to remember is that it isn't for advanced players, who can probably make any combination work, it's for new players who may only have very vague, or even no, knowledge of what the classes tend to do.
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Totally forgot about that. I have edited the post to have the advantage. No crits unfortunately.
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    D&D General What class is this character, and is she wearing armor?

    I think the Arcane Trickster interpretation is a pretty good one. The floating crystal could be done with the invisible mage hand they get, the blade appears to be a dagger or short sword, both often depicted as a rogue weapon, and while the top isn't perhaps realistic leather armor, it does...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Valda advances alongside Bible, circling around the giant as she slashed at the the downed giant. Moving to BC 42 and attacking the giant. +1 Longsword Attack Rolls: 1D20+9 = [13]+9 = 22 1D20+9 = [6]+9 = 15 +1 Longsword Attack Rolls: 1D20+9 = [3]+9 = 12 1D20+9 = [13]+9 = 22 +1 Longsword...
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    D&D 5E Softening Concentration

    Concentration is a great mechanic, and I wouldn't change anything about it. Some spells certainly need to be looked at, and either brought up or down depending. There are even some that might warrant loosing concentration. But changing the mechanic? I think that is a bad idea, as a number of the...
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    D&D 5E Legendary Resistance shouldn't be optional

    Let's be honest, the issue is that certain spells are just too powerful and turn a fight that could have been challenging or interesting into something easily breezed through. Legendary Resistances exist to try to mitigate that, but whether you think they are good way to do that or not, the core...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Sorry been sick for a bit. Valda moves towards the last giant in an effort to fell the injured combatant. Distracted as he must be she managed to get a sword blow in between the plates of his armor. +1 Longsword Attack Rolls: 1D20+9 = [10]+9 = 19 1D20+9 = [14]+9 = 23 +1 Longsword Damage...
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    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Drawing her sword, Valda moved on the other armored giant. His armor was difficult to pierce, even with the glowing magic of Quinn, although she manages to to catch a gap in her follow up strike. 2 +1 Longsword Attacks, First one with Advantage from Guiding Bolt: 1D20+9 = [7]+9 = 16 1D20+9 =...