Search results

  1. J

    What is the greatest Movie from New Zealand

    Had to vote for LotR, of course, but I'm more looking forward to March. My wife and I (married last September, and she's a Kiwi) are taking our honeymoon in New Zealand. Will be landing in Wellington (where her mother lives) and will be making our way up to Lake Taupo (sp?) where her father...
  2. J

    World of Warcraft

    Melzarak (Whisperwind server), Undead Mage (Level 22) member of the Moonlight Crusaders Vexklythor (Malfurion server), Human Warlock (Level 17) Bjotch (Malfurion server), Orc Thief (Level 8) I used to have an Elf Thief on Kaz-Goroth (or something like that), but that server appears to be...
  3. J

    Recommend a free Ad-ware and/or Spyware remover program to me

    Not sure where I found it, but KillBox is a great tool for killing processes..... In conjunction with HiJackThis, it's a killer combo..... James
  4. J

    Ghostbusters 3

    Like Umbran said.....The man isn't funny! James
  5. J

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Hussar sent me another image of his map. It's bigger (around 1 meg) because he didn't like the way the text pixellated when he shrunk it. If there's a public outcry for it, I can create a pdf of that image.... Let me know.... James
  6. J

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Hussar's stuff is now posted..... The stuff looks good, and is a welcome addition to the page....Thanks. James
  7. J

    World of Warcraft, What????

    And Guild Wars was made by the three ex-Blizzard employees that branched out on their own IIRC.... I realize the cost involved in running Battle.Net servers, and that wasn't my point.....My point was buying a $60 game that (according to my friend) couldn't be played without spending another...
  8. J

    World of Warcraft, What????

    Just curious.....I have a friend at work that plays WoW on his lunch hour, and I've seen him play it SEVERAL times. I have never been fond of the $15/month membership, but the game looks intriguing..... I've seen it for $60, which initially didn't sound that bad to me, but he said that you...
  9. J

    Activating Win XP question...

    You can try to repair your Win XP install. Boot to the Win XP CD, when it comes up, press Enter, F8, and R. That "should" fix MOST problems with XP.....If not..... We'll cross that bridge when we come to it..... ;) James
  10. J

    Chat with integrated dice roller

    This is the one we use when we need to do something online. It's not very fancy, but it's more than functional..... James
  11. J

    WoT Book 11: Knife of Dreams

    I'm about 175 pages in so far, and enjoying it so far.....I can't wait to get through it so that I can read the spoiler thread......LOL James
  12. J

    WoT Book 11: Knife of Dreams

    *hijack thread* Thanks for all the help with the Footfall book. One of my classmates is now living in the Pheonix area and told me about it. Don't know if it actually mentions Dighton, KS, but I'm sure there's a strong hero type by the name of James that is able to save the world...
  13. J

    Free background music for games (revives)

    E-mail me at (replace the - with a @). James P.S. I'm gonna be out of town Friday night 'til sometime Sunday, so be patient with a reply.....LOL
  14. J

    WoT Book 11: Knife of Dreams

    I've been hesitant to respond to the many WoT threads (I might have responded to a couple, here and there) because of all the negativity towards the series...... I'm hoping that this thread will not continue along these lines.... Unfortunately, I've read through all of the previous books...
  15. J

    Free background music for games (revives)

    With your permission, I'll start downloading the music and uploading it to my server. I can even give you a subdomain of that can be used to host your music. Let me know..... James
  16. J

    RToEE [SPOILERS] How to move PCs and plot along?

    In case you're tired of searching (I haven't been there for a while), the link for the 3.5 conversion (as well as errata and FAQ) can be found here. James
  17. J

    New Waterdeep????

    That's what I love about this place.....SOOOOOO many people that know SOOOOO much about everything..... That, and the twisted sense of humor here..... :D Thanks for the info.....I'll do some digging..... James
  18. J

    Free background music for games (revives)

    If there's ever a bandwidth issue with your music, I'd be more than happy to host the files on my site.....I'm just looking to add another link in my sig....LOL Good stuff!!!!! James
  19. J

    New Waterdeep????

    I was flipping through my new City of Splendors: Waterdeep sourcebook this morning and I came across a mention of New Waterdeep. What???? Can anyone tell me where this was originally mentioned? I don't remember hearing anything about it, but admittedly, I don't keep up with everything...
  20. J

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    I'm curious what happened to my signature...... Strange...... James