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    Why do RPGs have rules?

    @clearstream No problem. I appreciated the discussion so far, by the way.
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    Why do RPGs have rules?

    In a recent B/X mid-level, mini-campaign of mine, players, for whatever reasons, excuses, real time constraints, different in-game priorities etc, simply refused to prepare their spells in advance, and, of course, demanded to cast spells when needed. (Me: I got you covered: roll to cast, just...
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    Why do RPGs have rules?

    @Imaro We should ask @FormerlyHemlock , since I was quoting them. My point being that inevitably strings of any kind are constantly being pulled, even if actual meta-rules are not employed, and "drama", or "story", are not the explicit purpose of play.
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    Why do RPGs have rules?

    Hi. Nice post, I'm ruminating on it. I share your feelings and satisfaction when "it" happens at my table as well. I doubt that no strings were pulled, however delicate the pinch might have been. I get the sim approach, the rejection of narrative rules, metacurrencies and the like, but content...
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    D&D General FKR: How Fewer Rules Can Make D&D Better

    Actual motto is Play WorldS, Not Rules ;)
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    D&D General FKR: How Fewer Rules Can Make D&D Better

    @Snarf Zagyg thanks for your reply. Yes, I agree my post is a bit of a hyperbole in response to the issue about the amount of rules. Between Chainmail, 0D&D -...- 5e, PbtA, FitD, percentiles, dice pools, etc., there is a plethora of resolution systems, oracles, randomizers, a referee can...
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    D&D General FKR: How Fewer Rules Can Make D&D Better

    So, here is a 2021 post from a blog I haven't seen mentioned in the opening post list by @Snarf Zagyg Aboleth Overlords FKR: It’s not the amount of rules A bit of a preamble for anyone not familiar with the acronym – there’s a movement or set of movements known as the FKR, standing for Free...
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    D&D General FKR: How Fewer Rules Can Make D&D Better

    Well, maybe. I'm not gonna argue about that. As you say, an FKR gameplay falls into the rules-light to no-rules spectrum, at the table. Prep-wise, it depends...
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    D&D General FKR: How Fewer Rules Can Make D&D Better

    The referee is the arbiter of the game. Nothing prevents them to interiorize the whole PHB, DMG, MM to adjudicate an FKR D&D game. Then at the table those books become invisible.
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    D&D General FKR: How Fewer Rules Can Make D&D Better

    Hi, folks. One feature of FKR is that, ideally, Rules are managed by the Gm; rules heavy, light or none, doesn't matter as long as those are kept behind the Gm-screen. Nothing prevents the Gm to use any ruleset they want, but players will only engage with the words, the descriptions and...
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    At the Intersection of Skilled Play, System Intricacy, Prep, and Story Now

    Wow. Excellent, thanks @AbdulAlhazred
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    At the Intersection of Skilled Play, System Intricacy, Prep, and Story Now

    A summary of 4e's procedures on player-authored quests, would be really appreciated, at this point. I get it is a sort of stipulation, Player declares a goal, Gm sets a reward (or XP?) based on difficulty, but then, how actual play unfolds? The Gm sets up an adventure about it? An encounter, or...
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    D&D General Merry Christmas, folks

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holydays!
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    D&D General Railroads, Illusionism, and Participationism

    @EzekielRaiden Re Force. Players make DW characters, very weird fantasy characters, like the paladin is an empty armor imbued by the spirit of a divinity; ranger has a debt/affair with faerie queen etc. In session zero collaborative setting is done, bonds, alignments etc. Then Gm frames the...
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    D&D General Railroads, Illusionism, and Participationism

    Kill Puppies for Satan RPG by Vincent Baker... actually his first one!
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    D&D General Railroads, Illusionism, and Participationism

    @Nephis Thanks for writing such explanatory reports. Not only a pleasure to read, but also to affirm that such a Move to introduce the Forge was very grounded in setting, character and moreover not at all for free!
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    D&D General Railroads, Illusionism, and Participationism

    For me the artificiality is mostly apparent when the creativity, the involvement at the table is lacking. A generation of Gms unable/unwanting to follow players input, akin to spouting lore, wises checks, self authored quests, or mere suggestions. Dramatic needs are never a factor. Hordes of...
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    D&D General D&D (and potentially other TTRPG's) is a sport

    I agree it's a sport and doping is a thing ;)
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    D&D General Railroads, Illusionism, and Participationism

    I guess in a backstory-first game the Black Arrows be revealed if both rolls were successes, and before that, the Gm curated the backstory and somehow play arrived exactly where them to be found. Now my head aches...
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    D&D General Railroads, Illusionism, and Participationism

    This "bird" situation reminds of Vance's Cugel the clever: (from Wikipedia) Cugel is easily persuaded by the merchant Fianosther to attempt the burglary of the manse of Iucounu the Laughing Magician. Trapped and caught, he agrees that in exchange for his freedom he will undertake the recovery...