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  1. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Another year, another book secured and eager to read.
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    Sagiro's Story Hour: Now That It's Over
  4. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Dear Sagiro, Great news - turns out, Amazon is selling the traveller's size version of your new book as well! Can't wait to read it...
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  6. R

    Pathfinder 1E CharacterQuicker - a character generator for Pathfinder

    Hello I would gladly help try it out as well.
  7. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    I ordered the special travel-edition, which is only as large as my thumb. The letters are quite small though...
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  9. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Item Subtotal:£9.42 Postage & Packing: £4.82 Total before VAT: £14.24 VAT: £3.57 Total: £17.81 Owning this storyhours series - Priceless!
  10. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Hi Sagiro Saw your post and got your e-mail on Saturday - first thing I did today after showing up for work... bought the book! I look forward to it already and eagerly await the read! P.S. I wrote to you some time last year, asking if you happened to have any maps from the campaign/countries...
  11. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Hello Sagiro I was interested if possible in seeing the map of Abernia that your players must have seen. I understand that it is probably just hand-drawn, but would you care to share? Currently on my fourth read-through of the Story Hour and trying to visualize the map is hard :) /Mads
  12. R

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Long time lurker, first time poster... Dear Sagiro I came upon your story some years ago, while rummaging through ENworld. Quickly and surely I determined that here was a story worth reading and over the years I have never come to regret it. It has been about 25 years since I picked up my...
  13. R

    What are the weakened stats of the Torch of Burning Sky

    We have just last week wrapped up Adv 6 - Castle Korstull, but are intent on seeing this campaign through to the end. So far we have spent just over 2½ years of real life time and played through 75 sessions (of varying length, between 2-5hrs). But we are running two different campaigns along...
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    What are the weakened stats of the Torch of Burning Sky

    Thank you both for your replies. Yes, I have the complete version, and I can sense that my initial idea for where to seperate the lesser and greater powers - do not differ highly from yours. So thank you.
  15. R

    What are the weakened stats of the Torch of Burning Sky

    Thank you for your reply Morrus. But the version 3.5 that I have, there is only a version containing all powers available - and no differentiation between lesser and greater powers.
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    What are the weakened stats of the Torch of Burning Sky

    In the 3.5 AP, it says in Adv. 7, that once the players optain the Torch and infuse it with the partial soul to reactivate it - they then have the use of a weakened version of the Torch. The stats of which are supposedly in Appendix A. But I can only seem to locate the full stats. I am...
  17. R

    Adv. 6 - Castle Korstull, fail to see why Shalosha is allying with the Ragesians?

    I am running the 3.5 version of WotBS, and within the next to-three gaming nights will be handling the sequence in which the party escape via the sky palanquin. But what I fail to grasp is what Shalosha and a handfull of the Shahalesti are doing alongside the Ragesians? If Shahelsti is currently...
  18. R

    Pathfinder 1E Countermeasures against PC Earth Elemental

    We are just about to start Chapter 6 and about to round the final bend coming up to Castle Korstull. I don't think Dispel magic will work against him, seeing as Wild Shape (Su) is a supernatural ability. But a few more incorporeal enemies is a good option, and naturally AoE spells will work...
  19. R

    Pathfinder 1E Countermeasures against PC Earth Elemental

    I DM a group of 5, who are currently working their way through War of the Burning Sky. And one of my players is a druid with a customized prestige class focused on wildshaping. And his favorite form is currently that of a Large Earth Elemental. When it is possible for him, he tends to stand...