Search results

  1. S

    D&D General Suggestions for Greyhawk resources?

    I find it much more useful as a DMing or player reference than the earlier 1e/2e stuff. Information is plentiful and easy to find for most things, especially geogrpahy, cultures, and history. Yep it's dry, but you're not reading it cover to cover most of the time. When you really need to know...
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    D&D General Suggestions for Greyhawk resources?

    @Voadam appreciate the context thanks! Almor is on the LG Paizo map from Dungeon etc. iirc despite being in ruins, as is Medegia, so I'd assumed the inclusion of them showed either reconstructed or just labeled destroyed areas. I guess my confusion mainly came from the more distinct separation...
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk- New Map, Discussion of Changes

    Gotta say I like the 3rd edition version of that dungeon a lot better. The twists on the original are pretty well done IMO.
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    D&D (2024) Check Out The New Dungeon Master's Guide's Greyhawk Map

    Late to the party here, but you should definitely, definitely read both From the Ashes and Iuz the Evil. They are great writing IMO: both the world-level events and the tone and quality of the descriptions themselves. There are also some very interesting plot hooks that never got developed in...
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    D&D General Suggestions for Greyhawk resources?

    Wait, is that correct? The Great Kingdom is split there, which it was not pre-Wars. That's the largest political entity on the map, divvied up. Ahlissa, the Prelacy of Almor, and Medegia are shown as separate entities. It seems like a strange hybrid of the two, but the landscape looks more like...
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    D&D General Suggestions for Greyhawk resources?

    Hey there! Late to the party, but wanted to chime in. Greyhawk's my home campaign world (shared campaign with a group which shifts DMing duties) and I've read most of what's out there (including fan sources, but not including Living Greyhawk modules of which there were 1000s). Adding to what...
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    Prestidigitation: What is it good for?

    Haha, a clear example of edition-bloat, Greenfield! I do like that a lot of the minor 2nd-ed cantrips got rolled into prestidigitation. Simplicity is nice. As long as it's not creeping into actual-1st-level-spell territory, i have zero problem with it doing a wide range of things... just not...
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    [Gamers Wanted!] D&D players in France, English-language?

    When I did a search I found about 40 ENWorld members in France, but other than Paris not a lot of detail on exact location, and most of them are inactive accounts I think. Around the winter vacay I'm going to start messaging a few of them to see if there are any who might want to try a game out...
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    Prestidigitation: What is it good for?

    Mechanically, i found the cleaning-up-oneself utility the most helpful. If your characters have been through a nasty battle etc., they should be utterly filthy. Going straight to the Baron's Hall to get their reward, reporting evildoers at large to the authorities, etc. requires a certain level...
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    [Gamers Wanted!] D&D players in France, English-language?

    Also willing to travel in the Loire Valley by the way, as long as it's within an hour or so by train, bus, etc.
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    [Gamers Wanted!] D&D players in France, English-language?

    I'm a dedicated D&D player (mostly 3.5 edition) who has been living in Orléans, France for the last two years. I haven't played here much, because my French is still too weak to really get into a game in that language. But I have a lot of experience as both player and DM in English, so would...
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    Regular dad food?

    ENWorld is awesome for specifically this level of analysis. I particularly like Celebrim's consideration of social class in elven meat consumption. You might add a bit more meat consumption back in in the form of ritual or feast food though. As dedicated celebrants of nature they would probably...
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    Greyhawk Collector's Guide

    Thank you so very much for creating and maintaining this (and for re-linking it after the site re-org). You rock!